not given:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooClick
on book image for larger version |
Guide to Pictures in the Walker Art Gallery
Liverpool Merseyside County Council 1st 1980
4to pb 95pp, sl wr to covers o/w VG+ 380 gms
(Order reference 4828).
No publisher given 1996
landsc fmt sftbk, unpaginated. V v min bmps to cvrs + tiny mark o/w VG++.
Catalogue for exhibition held at 3 venues between 3 October 1996 and 16th
Feb 1997
(Order reference 13078).
£8.00 |
the Line Against Aids
Amfar International 1993
large 4to pb unpaginated F. catalogue of an exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim
Collection June 8 - 13 , 1993 to benefit the American Foundation for AIDS
Research. 830 gms
(Order reference 4958).
£7.00 |
Art in Tuscany - Tuscany Art in Cheshire
Cheshire County Council 1990
square format 4to pb 48pp VG++ Exhibition catalogue of work by Cheshire
students and teachers undertaken in Italy in 1990. 210 gms
(Order reference 11603).
£6.00 |
Jones - Landscapes
Crane Kalman Gallery 2002
4to pb unpaginated F. Exhibition catalogue. 200 gms
(Order reference 10829).
£8.00 |
Painters, People and Places - Catalogue of Oil Paintings - 2 volumes - plates
and text
Merseyside County Council 1978 2 volumes
4to pb 252pp (text) + 348pp (plates) each VG++ 1600 gms
(Order reference 11087).
£15.00 |
Shelton: Waxworks
De Moines Art Centre 1st 1988
4to pb unpaginated, exhibition catalogue - one of 3,000. V v min bmps o/w
VG++ 300 gms
(Order reference 4825).
£10.00 |
& Albert Colour Books - Ornate wallpapers
Webb & Bower 4th imp 1988
8vo, glazed pict bds F 185 gms
(Order reference 4315).
£10.00 |
Shepherd - The Man and His Paintings
David & Charles 1st 1985
large landscape format 4to, v min bmps + wr to bds, v min crsing to d/w
+ 1 sm tr o/w VG++/VG++ Signed on 1/2 title page by
David Shepherd 1435 gms
(Order reference 4362).
£40.00 |
Age and Gender - Women Explore the Issues
Foundation for Women's Art 2002
4to pb 51pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++. Exhibition catalogue.
200 gms
(Order reference 12116).
£6.50 |
Painting of the World - a project book of folk art`
Thunder Bay 1st 1995
large 4to, v v min bmps to bds o/w VG++/VG++ 1185 gms
(Order reference 11644).
From the blurb: “More
and more we are looking to cultures around the world for inspiration in
decoration and design. The tribes of Africa and the peasants of Europe,
ethnic groups such as the Pennsylvania Dutch, the canal folk of England:
all offer a rich heritage of painting styles.
book draws on these and many other sources to provide a wealth of ideas
for painting furniture and practical items which will add colour and tone
to any home. Each chapter covers a particular folk tradition and opens
with an exploration of its influences and development. The Designs &
Variations pages which follow form a unique visual reference for alternative
motifs and colour combinations. A series of projects then outline the
steps to producing your own works of art in that style. A general chapter
shows clearly how to scale designs, mix colours and paint all the brush-strokes.
There is also comprehensive information on crackling, antiquing and other
ageing processes to turn your inexpensive furniture into priceless antiques.
artists from around the world have contributed to this wonderful catalogue
of images and information. Projects range from small to large, from simple
to elaborate and are graded for the beginner, intermediate painter and
advanced folk artist. Anyone who has ever picked up a brush or even just
thought about doing so will find Decorative Painting of the World an invaluable
guide and inspiration.”

£25.00 |
Turner Collection - published to celebrate the opening of the Gallery by
Her Majesty the Queen 1 April 1987
Tate Gallery 1st 1987
4to pb 128pp VG++ 605 gms
(Order reference 11314).
£3.00 |
International No. 38 Jubilee Edition
Hans Fonk Publications Vol 17, no. 2 Summer 2007 large 4to pb magazine VG++
830 gms
(Order reference 12484).
£7.50 |
Hungarian avant garde - the Eight and the Activists
Arts Council of Great Britain 1980
4to pb exhibition catalogue 127pp near F 320 gms
(Order reference 8316).
£20.00 |
Bookking International 1995
large 4to pb 93pp VG++ 445 gms
(Order reference 7500).
£6.00 |
Circle - Artisti e Archietti Britannici
The British School at Rome 1993
square format 4to pb 72pp VG++. In English and Italian 295 gms
(Order reference 7955).
£4.00 |
- al - Khattat 1917 - 1973
Iraqi Cultural Centre Gallery 1978
landscape format pb, unpaginated with b/w + colour illustrations. Exhibition
catalogue. 225 gms
(Order reference 7957).
£75.00 |
Picture Book of Gothic Sculpture
V & A 1st 1933
8vo pb, ex college lib, sl dulling to cvrs o/w VG 40 gms
(Order reference 7968).
£4.00 |
Picture Book of 15th Century Italian Book Illustrations
V & A 1st 1927
8vo pb, sunning to cvrs o/w VG 40 gms
(Order reference 7969).
£2.50 |
Eyes - Progressive Vision in British Watercolour 1750-1850
Tate Gallery no date
4to pb 59pp, v v min wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 270 gms
(Order reference 8214).
£5.00 |
in the Victoria and Albert Museum
HMSO 1st 1952
4to pb, min wr to edges, chp to top of sp, cvrs sl grubby o/w VG+ 498 gms
(Order reference 2603).
£8.00 |
Richard Sickert - The Human Canvas
Lakeland Arts Trust 2004
square format 4to pb 103pp. Exhibition catalogue. 750 gms
(Order reference 8298). |
£25.00 |
of Graphis Design
Page One Publishing 1993
large 4to pb 78pp, v min bmps o/w VG++ 450 gms
(Order reference 6723). |
£7.00 |
van Gogh
Rijksmuseum 1973
4to pb 122pp, museum catalogue with colour plates + b/w ills. In Dutch throughout.
425 gms
(Order reference 6715).
£5.00 |
& Crafts Metalwork
Lakeland Arts Trust 2003
square format 4to pb 80pp. Exhibition catalogue. 415 gms
(Order reference 8303).
£28.00 |
and Early Renaissance Treasures in the North West
Whitworth Art Gallery 1976
4to pb 129pp + 40 b/w plates, col frontis, v min wr + crsing to cvrs o/w
VG++ 586 gms
(Order reference 2692).
£8.00 |
Underground to Kew - London Transport Posters 1908 to the Present
Studio Vista 1st 1994
4to F/F 680 gms
(Order reference 5062).
£35.00 |
of the Medici Prints and other colour reproductions
Medici nd (1937?)
lrge 4to, paper cvred bds, wr to bd edges, sl dmge to hd + tail of sp, bds
grubby, retailer's sticker to fr + rear bds, inscr to fep o/w VG- 646 gms
(Order reference 2750).
£5.00 |
Voices - Sculpted Heads by Philip Flanagan
Ulster Folk & Transport Museum 1996
large 4to exhibition catalogue 48pp, v min bmps + wr to edges of cvrs o/w
VG+. Signed by Philip Flanagan. 270 gms
(Order reference 5502).
£15.00 |
Art Part II
Sotheby's June 1997
4to pb auction catalogue, unpaginated, 320 colour + b/w ills F 600 gms
(Order reference 5193).
£12.00 |
Art Part II
Sotheby's December 1997
4to pb auction catalogue, unpaginated, 281 colour + b/w ills, v min crsing
to fr cvr o/w F 565 gms
(Order reference 5194). |
£12.00 |
Art Part I
Sotheby's December 1997
4to pb auction catalogue, unpaginated, 46 large colour + b/w ills F 510
(Order reference 5195).
£12.00 |
Picture Book of 15th Century Italian Book Illustrations
V & A 1st 1927
8vo pb, ex college library, tiny chip fro bottom r h corner o/w VG 40 gms
(Order reference 7970).
£2.50 |
Pierre Raynaud
Galerie Enrico Navarra 1995
square format pb 123pp, min crsing to top r h cnr of pages + rear cvr +
v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 885 gms
(Order reference 9808).
£20.00 |
Park Lane 1993
4to pb 15pp of text + b/w ills plus 45 colour plates VG++ 320 gms
(Order reference 8313).
£10.00 |
Whitworth Art Gallery - The First Hundred Years
Whitworth Art Gallery 1st 1988
square format 4to pb 152pp, sl creasing + wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 595 gms
(Order reference 7107).
£7.50 |
Larsson - etchings, book illustrations
Niloe 1982
8vo, v min wr + crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG+ Scarce 490 gms
(Order reference 8382).
£11.50 |
Library - Interface
Rockport 1st 1997
4to pb 79pp F 440 gms
(Order reference 8770).
£5.00 |
Library - Direct Response
Rockport 1st 1998
4to pb 80pp F 430 gms
(Order reference 8769).
£5.00 |
Library - Publication
Rockport 1998
4to pb 79pp F 425 gms
(Order reference 8768).
£5.00 |
Barrie Bates to Billy Apple 1960-1974
Arts Council 1974
4to pb 56pp. Exhibition catalogue. V v sl dulling to edges of cvrs o/w VG++
320 gms
(Order reference 14115).
£230.00 |
Jones - new paintings 17 September - 17 October 1993
Flowers East Gallery 1993
4to sftbk 27pp. Exhibition catalogue VG++ 175 gms
(Order reference 13707).
£8.00 |
Blake - catalogue for exhibition at the Tate Gallery Feb 9 - March 20 1983
Tate Gallery 1983
square fmt 4to pb 136pp in Fine condition. Complete
with signed 'The Owl and the Pussycat' card in envelope and
booklet 'Some explanations and thoughts towards my exhibition at the Tate
Gallery' - both in Fine condition 500 gms
(Order reference 14434).
£80.00 |
& Authentic - paintings and drawings by David Thomas
Craven Museum & Gallery 2008
4to pb unpaginated F 260 gms
(Order reference 14618).
£4.00 |
and History of Greece
Casa Editrice Bonechi 1998
4to pb 192pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 805 gms
(Order reference 6575).
£8.00 |
Joan: The Art Galleries of Britain and Ireland
- a guide to their collections
Robson Books 1st thus 1985
8vo F+/F 620 gms
(Order reference 9762).
Laurie Schneider: Exploring Art
Laurence King Publishing 1st 2002
4to pb 176pp VG++ 595 gms
(Order reference 14432).
£3.00 |
Nancy & Fennell, John (eds): Designer's
Guide to Typography
Phaidon 1st 1991
4to, v sl wrinkling + dulling to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+ 945 gms
(Order reference 14518).
£10.00 |
Francesco & Alessandro: The Lost Graffiti
of Berlin - the writing on the wall
Gremese International 1st 1991
landscape format 4to, v v min wr to edges of d/w o/w F/VG++ 1035 gms
(Order reference 14812).
£20.00 |
Jeanne: The Designer's Guide to Japanese Patterns
Thames & Hudson 1st 1988
8vo pb 130pp F 310 gms
(Order reference 4934).
£10.00 |
Angelou, Maya
Art by Tom Feelings: Now Sheba Sings the Song
Virago 1st 1987
4to pb 55pp, v min wr + crsing to cvrs o/w VG+ 280 gms
(Order reference 5278).
£7.00 |
Isabelle & Gere, Charlotte: Arts &
Crafts in Britain and America
Academy Editions 1st 1978
4to, red cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine, v v sl sunning to base
of bds, slight sunning to d/w spine + v sl wrinkling to top edge of d/w
o/w F/VG++ 905 gms
(Order reference 13362). |
£20.00 |
Anthony, Piers
(f'word): Beyond Fantasy - the art of Darrell
K Sweet
FPG 1st 1996
large 4to pb 128pp, v v min wr to edges of covers o/w VG++ 630 gms
(Order reference 4830).
£15.00 |
Graham: Dumb Reminders
Merseyside County Council 1984
landscape format stapled softback 16pp. Exhibition catalogue. V min wr to
edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 14218).
£6.00 |
Aslin, Elizabeth:
The Aesthetic Movement - prelude to Art Nouveau
Ferndale Editions 1981
4to, v v min wr to btm edge of bds, sl wr to tail of spine of d/w, small
gift inscr to fep o/w VG++/VG++ 910 gms
(Order reference 12933).
£15.00 |
Janet: The Illuminated Manuscript
BCA 1979
lrge 4to VG++/VG++ 625 gms
(Order reference 3417).
£4.50 |
Bain, George:
Celtic Art - The Methods of Construction
Constable 13th imp 1989
large 4to pb 163pp, min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG+ 510 gms
(Order reference 7004).
£6.00 |
Iain: Celtic Knotwork
Constable rep 1998
4to pb 115pp F 365 gms
(Order reference 6926).
£7.50 |
Balchin, Judy;
Davis, Courtney; Pinder, Polly & Sothan, Mandy: Design
Source Book for Crafters
Search Press 1st 2002
4to, glazed pictorial boards F+ 875 gms
(Order reference 12716).
£20.00 |
Ronnie: A Pennyworth of Art - the red album
- his own collection of picture postcards
The Herbert Press 1st 1986
square fmt 4to, v v min shelfwear o/w VG++/VG++ 525 gms
(Order reference 12323).
£7.00 |
Barrow, John
D: The Artful Universe
Clarendon Press 1st 1995
8vo M/VG++ stamped 'slightly damaged..' etc by publisher on title page 700
(Order reference 5469).
£7.00 |
Jan: Buildings in Pictures, Collage and Design
Pelham Books 1976
sm square format 4to, glazed pict bds, scarce VG++ 250 gms
(Order reference 4431).
£29.00 |
Glynis: Carving Techniques
Batsford 1st 1976
4to, v v sl wr to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+ 590 gms
(Order reference 14195).
£3.50 |
Glynis: Casting Techniques for Sculpture
Batsford 1st 1979
4to, v v min tanning to p edges, v min wr to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+ 640
(Order reference 14194).
£6.50 |
Glynis: Carving Techniques
B T Batsford 1st 1976
4to, small handwritten name to fr pastedown o/w VG++/VG++ 585 gms
(Order reference 13658).
£3.50 |
Gordon: Beningfield's English Villages
Viking 1st 1996
square fmt 4to, price neatly cancelled in biro on fr d/w foldover, small
inscr to fly-leaf o/w VG++/VG++ 865 gms
(Order reference 10250).
£7.50 |
Gordon: Beningfield's Countryside
Allen Lane 1st 1980
square format 4to, small tear to btm rear of d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 815 gms
(Order reference 7637).
£5.00 |
Anne: Glenys Johnson - Indigomonochrome 1997-98
Purdy/Hicks 1998
square format 4to stapled softback F. Exhibition catalogue. 115 gms
(Order reference 10827).
£10.00 |
Piotr (ed): Treasures from an Ancient Land
- the Art of Jordan
National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside 1st 1991
4to pb 178pp F, small inscr to fr cvr verso 555 gms
(Order reference 10599).
£8.00 |
Martin S: Men of Taste
B T Batsford 1st 1947
8vo, v v min bmps to bds, wr, rbs + chps to edges of sl grubby, sl stained
d/w, small name to fep o/w VG++/VG+ 435 gms
(Order reference 12205).
£11.50 |
Oto: Modern Primitives
Thames & Hudson rep 1975
large 4to, tan cloth-cvred bds with gold impressed titling to sp + gold
impressed Thames & Hudson logo to fr bd, feint tanning to page edges,
wr, chips + short tear to d/w o/w VG++/VG. 389 plates 204 in colour. 2kgs+
(Order reference 13050). |
£15.00 |
Monica: Thomas Lowinsky
Tate Gallery 1990
4to pb 72pp, exhibition catalogue, min bmps o/w VG++ 360 gms
(Order reference 3996).
£5.00 |
Dorothy: The Victorian Catalogue of Household
Studio Editions rep 1995
sm tr to tail of sp o/w VG++/VG++ 1415 gms
(Order reference 2025).
£14.00 |
Bossert, Helmuth
Th: Folk Art of Europe
A Zwemmer 1st 1954
folio, no d/w, min wr to bds + cloth sp o/w VG+ 1810 gms
(Order reference 4356).
£25.00 |
Jason: Starting Drawing
Magna Books rep 1992
4to, glazed pict bds F 375 gms
(Order reference 3344).
£5.50 |
Bragdon, Claude:
Projective Ornament
Alfred A Knopf rep 1927
8vo, brown cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine + front bd, small
gift inscr to fly-leaf dated 1928, wear, splits + small trs to d/w plus
portions mssg, especially to hd + tail of spine o/w VG+/G+ 295 gms
(Order reference 11291).
£15.00 |
David: On Decoration
Lutterworth Press 1st 1992
4to, v min indent to fr bd, sl creasing to d/w edges, tiny split to d/w
at fr hnge, inscribed to prev owner by author on fep, v sl tanning to page
edges o/w VG+/VG+ 820 gms
(Order reference 12022).
This absorbing study surveys the developments in decorative design
from the 1830s to the 1950s, showing how the modem age has affected the
status of decoration and examining the role of ornament in a rapidly changing
industrial society.
Arranged in three sections, the book opens with an introductory essay which
looks at the cultural background of the discourse of decoration, bringing
into play two major strands of decorative theory, and looking at the changing
natures of modernism and traditionalism. The central section of this book
is composed of pictorial examples, arranged in order of chronological development,
from the most significant trends in taste and fashion. The concluding postscript
expands on the origins and development of the two opposing strands identified,
which the author defines as normative and critical `schools'. The first
takes its foundation from the `Philosophical Radicals' and their programme
of industrialisation and social reform, and is exemplified by Owen Jones
and the Department of Science and Art; the second is the critical reaction
led by Ruskin and the Arts and Crafts Movement. The one led toward the abandonment
of decoration, the other toward its pastiche. The author concludes with
a critical summary of the present sorry state of decoration. However, decoration
is seen as a natural attribute of our species, and the discourse that has
built up around it is by no means closed.
£55.00 |
Alan & Gill: Traditional & Folk Designs
for Embroidery, Painting, Pottery and All Other Crafts
Search Press 1st 1990
4to pb 64pp VG++ 245 gms
(Order reference 5256).
£5.00 |
Peter: An Introduction to Graphic Design
Chartwell Books 1st 1987
large 4to, small triangle clipped from top r h cnr of fep o/w F/F 755 gms
(Order reference 6611).
£5.50 |
Richard: Roman Art from the Republic to Constantine
Phaidon 1st 1974
4to, min bmps + sl marking to bds, min wr + sl crsing to d/w o/w VG+/VG+
975 gms
(Order reference 7804).
£20.00 |
Beverly Louise (ed): The Genius of Rome 1592-1623
Royal Academy of Arts 2001
large 4to pb 408pp F over 2 kgs
(Order reference 12638).
£16.50 |
Brown, Carol
(ed): The Cutting Edge
Barbican Art Gallery 1st 1992
square format 4to pb 96pp, v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ Edition of
1,500 copies. 410 gms
(Order reference 13561).
£15.00 |
George: The Story of the Christmas Card
Odhams Press no date (1938?)
small 8vo, printed decorative bds, sl wr to edges of bds, wear to spine
o/w VG+ 130 gms
(Order reference 8843) |
£3.00 |
Burns, George:
Living It Up
W H Allen 1st UK 1977
small hole to fr of d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 420 gms
(Order reference 1367). |
£4.00 |
Deborah: Horses - the art of Deborah Butterfield
Chronicle Books 1st 1992
landsc format 4to pb 95pp F 530 gms
(Order reference 8302).
£30.00 |
Stephen: Art Deco Interior and Panel Designs
Bracken Books 1st thus 1988
folio pb 45pp, v min bmps + wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++. 40 full colour
plates 710 gms
(Order reference 10384).
£8.00 |
Alastair: The Designer's Handbook
Macdonald 1st 1983
tall 8vo, glazed pictorial boards, neat name to fep + fr bd VG++ 430 gms
(Order reference 10518).
£3.00 |
H: The Creative Impulse in Writing and Painting
Macmillan 1953
VG+ in sl grubby G+ d/w 354 gms
(Order reference 506).
£6.00 |
Whitney: Women, Art and Society
Thames & Hudson 2nd edn revised and expanded 1996
8vo pb 448pp F. 272 illustrations, 60 in colour. 865 gms
(Order reference 8211).
£6.00 |
Whitney & de Courtivron, Isabelle (eds): Significant
Others - creativity and intimate partnership
Thames & Hudson 1st pb edn 1996
lrge 8vo pb 256pp, v min bmps + wr to edges of d/w o/w VG++ 445 gms
(Order reference 9905).
£7.00 |
Jeannie & Gere, Charlotte: The Fine and
Decorative Art Collections of Britain and Ireland
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1985
sm tr to hd of sp and 1 1/2" tr to top of rear of d/w o/w F/VG+ 1790
(Order reference 1207).
£30.00 |
Clark, Kenneth:
BBC 11th imp 1979
pb inscr to title p, sl bmps o/w VG 948 gms
(Order reference 826).
£6.50 |
Alexander (ed): Nature & Civilization
Oxford University Press/Open University rep 1982
4to pb 414pp, min mrks to foredge o/w VG++ 550 gms
(Order reference 12749).
£7.00 |
Herbert: Heraldry - Decoration and Floral
Bracken Books 1st 1988
4to, min wr to bd edges, min wr to d/w o/w VG++/VG+. reproduction of 1922
original 750 gms
(Order reference 3168).
£10.00 |
Matthew: Art Crazy Nation - the post-Blimey!
art world
21 Publishing 1st 2001
sq format 4to pb 223pp VG++ 70 gms
(Order reference 10204).
£15.00 |
Graham & Sargent, Doug: Painting the Town
Phaidon 1st 1979
square format 4to pb 79pp, bmps + wr to edges, partial delamination to cvrs,
name + date to fr cvr verso o/w VG 210 gms
(Order reference 10597).
£4.00 |
Vivienne: The Art of Tiffany
Eagle Editions 2001
large 4to pb 192pp F 1290 gms
(Order reference 14367). |
£6.00 |
Coupe, Peter:
The Beginners Guide to Drawing Cartoons
Arcturus/Index 1st 1996
pict glazed bds in similar d/w F/F 614 gms
(Order reference 810).
£5.50 |
Elizabeth et al: Matisse Picasso
Tate Publishing 1st 2002
folio, v min wr + marking to d/w o/w F/VG+ over 2kgs
(Order reference 14014).
£40.00 |
Alwyn: Crawshaw's Watercolour Studio
Harper Collins rep 1994
4to, glazed pict bds in similar d/w F/VG++ 600 gms
(Order reference 3343).
£8.50 |
Nigel; Elliot, David & Roy, Robin (eds): Man-made
Futures - Readings in Society, Technology and Design
Hutchinson rep 1978
4to pb 365pp, cvrs sl dulled o/w VG++ 520 gms
(Order reference 6091).
£5.00 |
Cundall, H
M (introduction): British Artists - Birket
Foster - sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work
A & C Black 1910
small 4to, green bds with gold titling to front bd. Colour plate applied
to fr bd. v min bmps + v v sl wr to bds. Sixteen tipped in plates. Gift
inscr dated 1915 to fep 370 gms
(Order reference 13451).
£25.00 |
Howard: Adventures in Art - a guide to gallery
Abelard-Schuman 1st 1960
sm 8vo, no d/w o/w VG++ 380 gms
(Order reference 4388).
£5.00 |
Abraham A: The Story of American Painting
Abrams no date
large 4to pb 168pp, v min crsing to cvrs o/w VG++ 780 gms
(Order reference 7105).
£5.00 |
Lucy & Fini, Mo: Arts and Crafts of South
Tumi 1st 1994
squ format 4to pb 160pp F 715 gms
(Order reference 5211).
£8.00 |
Davies, Lucy
& Fini, Mo: Arts and Crafts of South America
Tumi 1st 1994
large squ format pb 160pp M 700 gms
(Order reference 4599).
£8.00 |
Lewis F: Nature and Ornament
B T Batsford 2nd edn revised 1929
8vo, v min wr to edges of green clth cvred bds, d/w sp dulled o/w VG+/VG+
555 gms
(Order reference 11530).
£15.00 |
Dean, Roger:
Bog O Publishing 3rd
edn 1976 square fmt 4to pb 155pp, sl creasing, wr, bmps to edges of cvrs,
sl marking to eps o/w VG+ 855 gms
(Order reference 14055).
£8.00 |
Bernard (selected and introduced by): Paul
Gauguin - the search for paradise - letters from Brittany and the South
Parkgate Books 1st 1990
landscape fmt 4to pb 160pp F+ 515 gms
(Order reference 11642).
£8.50 |
Derrick, Freda:
A Trinity of Craftsmen
Chapman & Hall 1st 1950
min chp + spotting to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 294 gms
(Order reference 1936).
£18.00 |
Robert: Dali
Thames & Hudson 1st thus 1985
large 4to, tan cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine & gold T &
H logo to fr bd, gift inscr to fep, spotting to top edge of pp o/w VG++/VG++
1265 gms
(Order reference 14533).
£6.50 |
Doust, L A:
A Manual on Pastel Painting
Frederick Warne 1st 1933
v sm bmp to bds + sl dulled. Fep mssg, min crsing + wr to d/w + sm amt of
loss o/w VG+/VG+ 245 gms
(Order reference 3188).
£8.50 |
L A: A Manual on Pastel Painting
Frederick Warne 3rd imp 1942
v min dulling to bds, chps + wr to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 245 gms
(Order reference 3187).
£8.00 |
Dresser, Christopher:
The Studio Library of Decorative Art - Studies
in Design
Studio Editions 1988
folio, v v min bmps/wr to bd edges, sl wr, chps + small trs to d/w o/w VG++/VG++.
Too heavy for Amazon. 1365 gms
(Order reference 12979).
£15.00 |
Hajo: Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944 - A Revolution
in Painting
Taschen 1993
lrge frmt pb VG+ 450 gms
(Order reference 164).
£5.00 |
Duerden, Dennis:
African Art - an introduction
Hamlyn 1974
4to, min mrking to clth cvred bds, crsing + wr to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 615 gms
(Order reference 9899).
£4.00 |
Alastair: American Art Deco
Thames & Hudson 1st 1986
large 4to, blue cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine + dold Thames
& Hudson logo to fr bd F/F over 2kgs
(Order reference 13577).
The explosion of Modernist art and design which made
its original impact at the Paris Exposition Internationale of 1925 was quick
to find an echo in the United States. Art Nouveau, a sensation in its time,
had become tired and jaded, and the joyous exuberance of the Art Deco style
was just what was needed to take its place. Exhibitions of decorative arts
were mounted in American museums, and the department stores competed with
each other to introduce the new aesthetic to the American public. The artists
at the forefront of this surge of creativity were at first European and
predominantly French, but American designers were soon making their own
contribution to the Deco style. As the dazzling illustrations in this book
demonstrate, in sculpture, furniture, ceramics, architectural decoration,
graphics, and virtually all the applied arts, American designers developed
a dynamic, indigenous tradition.
Most of the important buildings of the 1930s, in all parts of the country,
were embellished with Art Deco ornamentation — from the Oviatt Building
in Los Angeles, decorated by Lalique, to New York's romantic Chrysler Building.
Cinema-goers found the style adopted in films of the period, and Art Deco
became part of the background of ordinary people. Yet, by the onset of World
War II, Art Deco was almost played out and in a very short time it was completely
out of fashion. Only in recent years has it become the target of enthusiastic
Alastair Duncan here explores in depth for the first time the wide and neglected
subject of American Art Deco. With a wonderful array of more than 500 illustrations,
including 233 in full colour, he reassesses and puts into perspective the
work of such gifted artists as Donald Deskey, Joseph Urban, Paul Manship,
Gilbert Rohde, Walter von Nessen, and many others — artists whose
vision helped to transform American art and design.
£60.00 |
Dunlop, James
M: Anantomical Diagrams for the Use of Art
G Bell & Sons 1st 1952
no d/w, inscr to fr pd, min mrking to bds o/w VG++ 390 gms
(Order reference 3348).
£8.00 |
Liz: Tibor Kalman - Design and Undesign
Thames & Hudson 1st 1998
squ format 4to F 425 gms
(Order reference 4597).
I've always considered myself an outsider and I've always tried
to do good by being bad.' Tibor Kalman's uncompromising 'anti-design' approach
has provoked admiration and distaste in equal measure. Despite having no
formal graphics training, Kalman has triumphed in a range of disciplines
and media, moving on whenever the work seems to get too easy. Shattering
the conventions of good taste and order, Kalman's in-your-face methods communicate
through the power of humour, the vernacular and upside-down thinking.
Moving from the beginnings with Kalman's M&Co in the early 80s, the
work for Talking Heads and the hip New York Restaurant Florent, to the creative
directorship of Artforum and Interview, this book traces the trajectory
of Kalman's design 'anti-career', often in his own words. The latter part
of the book focuses on the Benetton-sponsored Colors magazine, in which
Kalman, as editor-in-chief, tackled hot issues such as AIDS, poverty and
racism with his characteristic blend of humour, radical commitment and provocative
imagery. Using material drawn from interviews with Kalman himself, this
book is a revealing portrait of the notorious 'anti-designer'.
£5.00 |
Liz: Tibor Kalman - Design and Undesign
Thames & Hudson 1st 1998
square format 4to, glazed pictorial boards, small impact dent to btm of
rear bd o/w VG++ 410 gms
(Order reference 14861).
always considered myself an outsider and I've always tried to do good by
being bad.' Tibor Kalman's uncompromising 'anti-design' approach has provoked
admiration and distaste in equal measure. Despite having no formal graphics
training, Kalman has triumphed in a range of disciplines and media, moving
on whenever the work seems to get too easy. Shattering the conventions of
good taste and order, Kalman's in-your-face methods communicate through
the power of humour, the vernacular and upside-down thinking.
Moving from the beginnings with Kalman's M&Co in the early 80s, the
work for Talking Heads and the hip New York Restaurant Florent, to the creative
directorship of Artforum and Interview, this book traces the trajectory
of Kalman's design 'anti-career', often in his own words. The latter part
of the book focuses on the Benetton-sponsored Colors magazine, in which
Kalman, as editor-in-chief, tackled hot issues such as AIDS, poverty and
racism with his characteristic blend of humour, radical commitment and provocative
imagery. Using material drawn from interviews with Kalman himself, this
book is a revealing portrait of the notorious 'anti-designer'.
£4.50 |
Farson, Daniel:
With Gilbert & George in Moscow
Bloomsbury 1st 1991
4to, tiny nick to d/w o/w F/VG++ 910 gms
(Order reference 7070).
£7.00 |
Miranda: The Life and Works of Escher
Siena 1st 1995 sm squ format 4to, glazed pict bds in similar d/w F/F 440
(Order reference 5224).
£5.00 |
Fenn, Tim
(ed): From Old Chapel Field - selected letters
of Robin Tanner
Impact Books 1st 1991
4to F+/F 1090 gms
(Order reference 14606).
£8.50 |
Sylvia & Cremades, Fernando Checa: El
Skira 1st 2001
square fmt 4to pb 231pp, v v min marking to cvrs o/w F 1295 gms
(Order reference 14006).
£15.00 |
Andre: Bonnard
Thames & Hudson 1st 1987
large 4to, tiny tear + v v min wr to d/w o/w F/VG++ 1125 gms
(Order reference 9502).
£6.50 |
Justino: The Colour Library of Art Paperbacks
- Mexican Art
Colour Library of Art 1970
square format 4to pb 59pp, spotting to prelims, sl wr to edges of cvrs o/w
VG+ 415 gms
(Order reference 6595).
£4.00 |
Fernie, Eric:
Art History and its Methods
Phaidon rep 2003
small 4to pb 384pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 830 gms
(Order reference 14442).
£11.50 |
Adrian: Objects of Desire - Design and Society
since 1750
Thames & Hudson rep 2002
4to pb 256pp, v v min wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 660 gms
(Order reference 14886).
In this
radical and highly original examination of design and its place in society,
Adrian Forty challenges premises that have usually passed unquestioned.
He argues that design is used by societies to express their values. Its
norms are shaped by economic and social conditions; it can confirm a role
or staus or be manipulated to overcome resistance to innovations that seem
£5.00 |
Frame, Susan:
The Japanese Ink Painting Handbook - a guide
to Sumi-e techniques and styles
D & S Books 1st 2007
large 8vo pb 239pp F++ 565 gms
(Order reference 14722).
£8.50 |
Max: Design UK
Conran Octopus rep 2002
small square 8vo, blind stamped and orange titling to fr bd, orange titling
to spine F+ 580m gms
(Order reference 12405).
£8.00 |
John: J M W Turner 'A Wonderful Range of Mind'
Yale University Press 1st 1987
square fmt 4to, v sl tanning/spotting to eps + pastedowns, inside of d/w
sl grubby, sl wr to d/w edges + small tear o/w VG++/VG+ 1720 gms
(Order reference 13478).
£15.00 |
Juliet F'word by Terence Conran: From the
Bomb to the Beatles - the changing face of post-war Britain 1945-1965
Collins & Brown 1999
square fmt 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w VG++/VG++ 885 gms
(Order reference 14387).
£8.00 |
Garrett, Albert:
A History of Wood Engraving
Bloomsbury 1986
lrge 4to, prev owner's stamped address to fep, sp sl shaken, min crsing
to d/w + sm tr o/w VG++/VG+ 1510 gms
(Order reference 3090).
£25.00 |
William: The Impressionists
Thames & Hudson rep 1988
lrge 4to, sl crsing + marking to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 1980 gms
(Order reference 3645).
£8.00 |
Gaunt, William:
The Restless Century - Painting in Britain
Phaidon Press 1st 1972
ex lib, rems of date slip, lib stmps, trs to d/w, d/w in protective film
o/e G++ 1530 gms
(Order reference 1118).
£8.00 |
Deborah, et al Kevin Edge (intro) f'word by Eric Knowles: 100
Years of Change - Style & Design
Parragon 1999
large landscape fmt 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w, min crsing
to d/w edges o/w F/VG++ 2kgs+
(Order reference 9824).
£7.50 |
Gill, Deborah;
Hurrell, Karen; Prescott-Walker, Robert; Raymond, Martin & Richardson,
Vicky F'word by Eric Knowles: 100 Years of
Change - Style and Design
Parragon 1999
large square fmt 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w, neat gift
inscr to fep, tiny hole to fr of d/w, v v sl wrinkling to d/w edges o/w
F/VG++ 2kgs+
(Order reference 12486).
£7.00 |
Robert W: The Thames & Hudson Manual of
Rendering with Pen and Ink
Thames & Hudson rep 1992
4to pb 400pp, v v minor bumps + wear to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 915 gms
(Order reference 14829).
£8.50 |
Gink, Karoly
& Kiss, Ivor Sandor: Folk Art and Folk
Artists of Hungary
Corvina Press 1st 1968
squ format 4to, v vmin bmps to bds, wr to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+
(Order reference 4400).
£5.00 |
Tony (intro): Paul Rosenbloom - paintings
and drawings
no publisher given 1994
landscape format 4to, stapled sftback F. Exhibition catalogue. 140 gms
(Order reference 10828).
£12.00 |
E H: Gombrich on the Renaissance. Vol 4: New
Light on Old Masters
Phaidon 2nd imp (paperback) 1993
4to pb 191pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 455 gms
(Order reference 11308). |
£7.50 |
Peter H: Ideas for Art Teachers
B T Batsford 1st 1972
8vo, prev owner's name to fep, v min wr + chps to d/w + 1 tiny tr o/w F/VG+
525 gms
(Order reference 6047).
£5.00 |
Anne (intro): John Downton 1906-1991 Temperas
and Drawings
Maas Gallery 1996
4to pb 139pp F 660 gms
(Order reference 13652).
£8.00 |
Brian (slate artist): Warts 'n' All - an illustrated
recollection of the artist's early life from a collection of oil paintings
on slate as exhibited by the Lyver & Boydell Galleries, Liverpool
Paul Breen (Fine Art) Ltd 1991
8vo stapled booklet VG++ 70 gms
(Order reference 7355).
£2.00 |
Grant, John
(text) Art by Jael: Perceptualistics
Paper Tiger 1st 2002
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w M/F+ 860 gms
(Order reference 8857).
£8.00 |
Richard; Harris, John; Heard, Priscilla & Rose, David: The
Artful Eye
Softback Preview/OUP 1995
4to pb 434pp F 1120 gms
(Order reference 13004).
£12.50 |
Nathaniel: The Life and Works of Picasso
Parragon 1st 1994
small square fmt 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w F/F 455 gms
(Order reference 13858).
£3.50 |
Harvey, Charles
& Press, Jon: William Morris - Design
and Enterprise in Victorian Britain
Manchester University Press 1st 1991
small 4to pb 257pp VG++ 515 gms
(Order reference 6928).
£18.00 |
John: The Portrait in British Art - masterpieces
bought with the help of the National Art Collections Fund
National Portrait Gallery 1991
folio pb 176pp, min bmps + wr to cvrs o/w VG++. Published for the exhibition
at the National Portrait Gallery, London from 8 November 1991 to February
1992. 1095 gms
(Order reference 11708).
£12.50 |
Heller, Steven
& Anderson, Gail: Graphic Wit - the art
of humour in design
Watson-Guptill 1st 1991
4to pb 160pp VG++
(Order reference 14505).
£10.00 |
Hemming, Charles:
British Painters of the Coast and Sea - a
history and a gazetteer
Gollancz 1st 1988
M/F 798 gms
(Order reference 2368).
£25.00 |
Philip: The National Gallery London
Thames & Hudson 1st pb edn 1963
pb, inscr to fep, bmps, rbs, mrks + wr to cvrs G++ 584 gms
(Order reference 1129).
£4.00 |
Herbert, W
A S: Humourous Drawings and Cartooning for
the Press
Sir Isaac Pitman nd (40's?)
4to, no d/w, blue textured clth cvred bds, grubby o/w VG+ 270 gms
(Order reference 3175).
£4.50 |
Charles: Picture Posters
E P Publishing 1st thus 1976
8vo, ex lib, min bmps to bds o/w VG+/VG+. Facsimile of original 1895 edition
710 gms
(Order reference 7611).
£12.50 |
Adrian: Drawing and Painting Flowers
Blandford Press rep 1977
8vo, glazed pict bds F 235 gms
(Order reference 3345).
£4.50 |
Hill, Adrian:
The Beginner's Book of Oil Painting
Blandford 12th imp 1979
8vo, glazed pict bds, v v min wr to 1 cnr o/w VG++ 230 gms
(Order reference 3301).
£4.50 |
Adrian: The Beginner's Book of Oil Painting
Blandford Press 9th imp 1971
8vo, glazed pictorial boards F 245 gms
(Order reference 5986).
£5.00 |
Hill, David:
In Turner's Footsteps`- through the hills
and dales of Northern England
John Murray 1st 1984
large landscape format 4to, brown bds with gold titling to spine, small
indents + slight creasing to d/w o/w VG++/VG 870 gms
(Order reference 14747).
£4.00 |
Bevis: The Style of the Century 1900 - 1980
The Herbert Press 1st 1983
4to, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++ 905 gms
(Order reference 6953).
£17.00 |
Hoff, Ursula:
The National Gallery of Victoria
Thames and Hudson 1st 1973
8vo, bmps to bds, min crsing + wr to d/w o/w VG/VG 615 gms
(Order reference 4387).
£5.00 |
Ori: Hofmekler's People
NEL 1st 1982
lrge 4to pb 128pp, min crsing to top r h cnr of book o/w VG+ 464 gms
(Order reference 2852). |
£6.50 |
Holt, Tonie
& Valmai: In Search of the Better 'Ole
- the life, the works and the collectables of Bruce Bairnsfather
Milestone 1st 1985
4to, red bds, v min wrinkling to d/w edges + 1 small chip o/w F/VG++ 980
(Order reference 14834).
Bruce Bairnsfather created the best known cartoon character of the
First World War - 'Old Bill", and he drew what many consider to be
the most enduring cartoon of all time - the “Better 'Ole". To
those who experienced the privations of the years 1914-1918, the value of
Bairnsfather's contribution to the morale of the nation, through laughter,
is without question. To many he was "the man who won the war."
In this first biography of the man and his work, the authors trace his life
in fascinating detail. Not only was he the first officially appointed British
Officer Cartoonist, whose help was subsequently formally requested by the
French, the Italians, the Americans and the Aussies, but he was also an
international playwright, actor, accomplished lecturer, film producer and
author. The man himself was a compelling paradox-a desperately shy person
who adored the limelight: a loyal, lovable personality, ridden with suspicion:
an upper class product who was more comfortable in the company of the working
man: a lonely celebrity who should have won, but lost, a fortune
Bairnsfather s work can be found on plates, cups, jugs, mugs, pots, car
mascots, ashtrays and the like - all now collectors pieces. His characters
appeared on postcards, playing cards, cigarette cards. jig-saw puzzles.
and during World War II on the noses of the daylight bombers of the American
Eighth Airforce, for which he acted as official cartoonist.
In 1978 the Canadian National Film Archives gave a showing of the film,
Carry on. Sergeant! on the 50th anniversary of its world premiere. It had
been the first major movie produced in Canada. Its writer and producer was
Bruce Bairnsfather and it resulted in scandal, intrigue and heavy financial
loss. Nevertheless, it was a milestone in Canadian history.
Tonie and Valmai Holt recount the successes, the failures, the ventures
with Charles Cochran. Darryl Zanuck and Seymour Hicks: how Sydney Chaplin
played Old Bill and John Mills played Young Bill: the days as 'Lord of the
Manor’- and bankruptcy: the episode with the actress, Constance Collier.
The story is illustrated with over 150 photographs and drawings, many of
them never before published, and includes a section setting out the range
and the values of Bairnsfather memorabilia and collectables that can be
found by assiduous collectors.
The whole is linked by a narrative, both sympathetic and analytical, reflecting
the ability of a husband and wife team of writers to see things from both
male and female, military and civilian. points of view.
£10.00 |
Honnef, Klaus:
Andy Warhol 1928 - 1987 - Commerce into Art
Taschen 1st 1993
4to pb 96pp VG++ 505 gms
(Order reference 6762).
£5.00 |
Klaus: Andy Warhol 1928 -1987 - Commerce into
Benedikt Taschen 1st 1991
lrge 4to pb 96pp VG++ 510 gms
(Order reference 3414).
£3.50 |
Horton, Paul:
In My Life
Washington Green 1st 2005
landscape fmt 4to F/F 930 gms
(Order reference 14132).
£30.00 |
Alma (intro): Inuit Art - an anthology
Watson & Dwyer 1st 1988
large 4to, v v min crsing to top edge of d/w o/w F/VG++ 810 gms
(Order reference 5232).
The past four decades have been years of revelation and acclaim
for Inuit art. Prior to 1948, only the rare arctic traveller, trader or
missionary knew of and collected the very small magical figures carved in
ivory or soapstone by Inuit hunters.
Recognition came when the first exhibition and sale of carvings at the Handicrafts
Guild in Montreal captured the attention of the press and of Montreal's
art patrons.
Then followed the introduction of the stone-cut and stencil prints, the
whale bone art, the woven tapestries, and the wall hangings.
Highlights of these remarkable events are described in this volume by involved
and fluent writers: some are eye-witnesses to the unfolding of creative
gifts; others are researchers detailing the history and the prehistory of
the Inuit people and their art.
Three Inuit artists speak frankly about their art, and their hopes for the
future—a viewpoint seldom expressed in print.
This selection of articles and illustrations will serve the newcomer well
in providing a solid introduction to Inuit art; collectors and researchers
will appreciate the gathering together of expert knowledge in one volume.

£35.00 |
Hughes, Peter:
The Founders of the Wallace Collection
The Trustees of the Wallace Collection 1981
square format 8vo pb 60pp, v slight tanning to page edges, sl crse to top
l h cnr of book o/w VG++ 135 gms
(Order reference 11999).
£10.00 |
Peter: The Founders of the Wallace Collection
Trustees of the Wallace Collection 2nd edn 1992
8vo pb 55pp F 135 gms
(Order reference 10580).
£7.50 |
Huish, Marcus
B: The Happy England of Helen Allingham
Bracken Books 1985
8vo, v v min wr to base of bds o/w F/F. With 80 full colour illustrations
by Helen Allingham. Facsimile of original 1903 edition - 'Happy England'.
905 gms
(Order reference 10441).
£15.00 |
P & Dorfu, M G: Lautrec Par Lautrec
Edita 1964
large square 4to, green cloth cvred bds. Tiny indents to fr bd + v sl dulling
to edges. Sl wr + chips to edges of d/w o/w VG++/VG+ over 2kgs
(Order reference 14370).
£20.00 |
Frank G: Theory & Practice of Design -
An advanced Book of Decorative Art
Chapman & Hall 1896
8vo, green boards with gold titling to fr bd, bmps + sl staining to bds
with wr to edges. Prize plate to fr bd o/w VG 640 gms
(Order reference 7946).
£12.00 |
Jacobs, Michael
& Warner, Malcolm: The Phaidon Companion
to Art & Artists in the British Isles
Phaidon 1st 1980
VG++/VG++ 916 gms
(Order reference 1852).
£11.00 |
Anatole: Naive Painting
Phaidon UK 1st 1979
square fmt 4to, glazed pictorial boards, v v min wr to v v sl grubby bds,
prev owner's name to fep + name + address sticker o/w VG++ 725 gms
(Order reference 13884).
£5.00 |
Jarrett, Derek:
The Ingenious Mr Hogarth
Michael Joseph 1st 1976
8vo, sl creasing, wr + chps to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 560 gms
(Order reference 6889).
£5.00 |
Bodo W: How to Draw and Paint
Thames & Hudson 4th imp 1967
large 8vo, d/w covered in clear film sellotaped to pastedowns o/w VG++/VG++
950 gms
(Order reference 6000).
£8.00 |
Jerrold, Walter:
The Triumphs of the Printing Press
S W Partridge nd c1900
8vo, blue cloth cvred bds with gold titling + illustrations to fr bd + sp.
Wr + dulling to bds, award pl to fr pd. Wr + dulling to bds, eps dulled
o/w VG 390 gms
(Order reference 5042).
£10.00 |
Peter: Front Line Artist
Cassell 1st 1978
F/F 714 gms
(Order reference 2870). |
Joseph, Robert:
The Art of the Wine Label
Windward 1st 1987
square fmt 4to, d/w price-clipped with 2 small trs + sl sunning to spine,
gift inscr to fep, min wrinkling to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+ 730 gms
(Order reference 13086).
£6.00 |
Horst: The Art of the Impressionists
Phaidon 1st 1980
large 4to, green cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine + gold image
to fr bd, min crsing + wr to d/w o/w F/VG++ 1750 gms. Extra postage will
be required for this item.
(Order reference 9264).
£15.00 |
Horst: The Great Book of French Impressionism
VBI 1980
lrge 4to, clth bds with gold stamped decorative image F/VG++ 1520 gms
(Order reference 1201).
£16.00 |
Kendall, Richard
(ed): Degas by Himself - drawings, prints,
paintings, writings
Macdonald Orbis rep 1989
folio F/F (over 2kgs)
(Order reference 2733).
£20.00 |
Catherine (ed): Art and its Histories -
Views of Difference: Different Views of Art
Yale University Press/Open University 1999
4to pb 272pp F+ 780 gms. Book 5 (of 6) of OU text
reference 14477).
£5.00 |
Rudiger: The Berlin Gallery
Thames & Hudson 1971
8vo pb 308pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++. 302 plates, 90 in colour.
635 gms
(Order reference 5541).
£5.00 |
Stefan: Bernardo Bellotto
Paul Elek 1972 2 vols - Vol 1: Text, 309 pp with 188 b&w ills &
5 col plates Vol 2: catalogue, 531 pp with 675 b&w ills & 28 col
4to cloth (slipcased), v min delamination to d/w o/w VG++ over 2kg
(Order reference 1274).
£375.00 |
Ibrahim: Ismet Mujezinovic
Yugoslav Portrait Gallery of Tusla 1st 1985
large 4to, gold and white titling to fr bd + sp, v v min wr to d/w o/w F/VG++
One of 1,000 English language copies (of 5,00 copies published worldwide)1950
(Order reference 8396).
£45.00 |
John & Wire, David: The Encyclopedia of
Signs and Symbols - the ultimate sourcebook with more than 2,500 images
from all round the world
Studio rep 1998 large 4to, white cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine,
v v min wr + crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG++ 1395 gms..
(Order reference 9265).
£30.00 |
Larkin, David
(ed): The Fantastic Creatures of Edward Julius
Pan Books 1976
lrge 4to pb unpaginated VG++ 455 gms
(Order reference 3421).
£15.00 |
A P: Simple Rules for Painting in Oils
Winsor & Newton rep 1961
sm 8vo pb 47pp, wr to cvrs o/w VG 75 gms
(Order reference 3298).
£2.50 |
Laver, James:
Museum Piece
Andre Deutsch 1st 1963
cancelled inscr to fep, wr to d/w edges + short trs o/w VG++/VG 450 gms
(Order reference 1737).
£8.50 |
George: Magazine Illustration - the art editors
point of view
Sir Isaac Pitman rep 1947
4to, dulling to pd edges, crsing, wr + chps to d/w with sm amt of loss o/w
VG/P+ 355 gms
(Order reference 3165).
£10.00 |
Lemos, Pedro:
The Art Teacher
B T Batsford 3rd prtg 1937
4to, prev owner's address sticker to fep, wr + bmps to edges, v sl grubby
o/w VG 1300 gms
(Order reference 4613).
£20.00 |
Vicky Gold & Heller, Steven: Times Square
Princeton Architecture Press 1st 2004
square fmt 4to pb 144pp F+ 500 gms
(Order reference 14422).
£15.00 |
Karen: Essential Arts and Crafts
V & A Publications 1st 2005
square format 4to M/F 780 gms
(Order reference 10606).
£7.50 |
Edward: Art in the Seventies
Phaidon 1st 1980
4to pb 128pp, v min crse to fr cvr o/w VG++ 560 gms
(Order reference 7240).
£5.00 |
Ben: Enterprise on Canvas - British industry
through an artist's eye
Quiller Press 1st 1987
large 4to F/F 745 gms
(Order reference 5817).
£12.00 |
Mann, James:
Monumental Brasses
Penguin Books (King Penguin) 1st 1955
8vo, small tear, chips, wear + sl spotting to d/w o/w VG+/VG 155 gms
(Order reference 14734).
£4.50 |
Joe: Rodney Kinsman - The Logical Art of Furniture
Fourth Estate 1st 1992
squ format 4to pb 112pp VG++ 365 gms
(Order reference 4810).
£15.00 |
Jan & Nunn, Pamela Gerrish: Pre-Raphaelite
Women Artists
Manchester City Art Galleries 1998
4to pb 160pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs. Exhibition catalogue VG++ 835
(Order reference
£22.50 |
Catherine: Essential Design
Bloomsbury 1st 1992
8vo, v v min bmps to bds o/w VG++/VG++ 540 gms
(Order reference 11684).
£5.00 |
Alan: How to Draw and Sell Comic Strips for
Newspapers and Comic Books!
Macdonald Orbis 1st 1988
4to VG++/VG++ 680 gms
(Order reference 3349).
£6.50 |
Sandra: Connecting Art to Stitch
Batsford 1st 2009
large 4to F+/F+ 825 gms
(Order reference 14638).
£11.50 |
Aidan: Celtic Design - Knotwork
Thames & Hudson rep 1992
8vo pb F 334 gms
(Order reference 2051).
£5.00 |
Meehan, Aidan:
Celtic Design - A Beginner's Manual
Thames & Hudson rep 1992
8vo pb 160pp, tiny inscr to fep o/w F 345 gms
(Order reference 6053).
£8.00 |
Aidan: Celtic Design - a beginner's manual
- with 258 illustrations
Thames & Hudson rep 1996
8vo pb 160pp F 355 gms
(Order reference 12610).
£4.00 |
Meehan, Aidan:
Celtic Design - Knotwork
Thames & Hudson rep 1995
8vo pb 159pp F+. With 434 illustrations. 350 gms
(Order reference 14702).
£5.00 |
Meehan, Aidan:
Celtic Alphabets
Thames & Hudson 1st 1997
4to pb 96pp, min crsing to cvrs, gift inscr to title p o/w VG++ 435 gms
(Order reference 9721).
£5.00 |
Jan: Designing Worksheets - presentation techniques
for textile students
Crochet Designs 1st 1991
4to pb 40pp, sl wr to edges of cvrs, prev owner's name + address sticker
to title page 230 gms
(Order reference 12654).
£6.00 |
Meyer, Frank
Sales: Meyer's Ornament - Victorian Bible
of Design
Duckworth revised edn 1974
landscape format 4to, chps + wr to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+ 1355 gms
(Order reference 4324).
£65.00 |
John: Design for Desktop Publishing - a guide
to layout and typography on the personal computer
Gordon Fraser 1st 1987
large 4to, d/w price-clipped F/VG++ 640 gms
(Order reference 10696).
£12.50 |
Mills, John
Fitzmaurice: Collecting Now: Know Your Picture
BBC 1st 1984
F/VG++ 356 gms
(Order reference 1214).
£5.00 |
Gregory: Polynesian and Oceanian Designs
Dover 2000
4to pb 47pp VG++ 175 gms
(Order reference 13166).
£5.00 |
Iain & Pottinger, Don: Simple Custom Cheerfully
Nelson 1st 1954
no d/w, sl fxg throughout VG 370 gms
(Order reference 760).
£6.50 |
John: Student Handbook for Design and Technology
Pearson 2000
8vo pb 112pp VG++ 220 gms
(Order reference 5543).
£5.00 |
Munro, R W:
Kinsmen and Clansmen
Johnston & Bacon 1st 1971
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, v v sl browning to p edges, hinges sl grubby
o/w VG+ 465 gms
(Order reference 6551).
£5.00 |
Derek: The Natural History of the Chorus Girl
David & Charles 1st 1975
large 4to, v min wr to d/w edges + small area of partial delamination to
rear of d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 1205 gms
(Order reference 9868).
£22.00 |
B Martin: Graphis Photo 88
Graphis Press Corp 1987 F+/F 1660 gms
(Order reference 946).
£30.00 |
Perry, Gill
& Cunningham, Colin (eds): Art and its
Histories - Academies, Museums and Canons of Art
Yale University Press/Open University 1999
4to pb 268pp, name to fep o/w F+ 795 gms. Book 1 (of 6) of OU course
(Order reference 14473).
£5.00 |
Nikolaus: Pioneers of Modern Design - from
William Moris to Walter Gropius
Penguin (Pelican A497) rep 1968
8vo pb 256pp, min wr to edges o/w VG+ 310 gms
(Order reference 6008).
£5.00 |
Pevsner, Nikolaus:
Pioneers of Modern Design - from William Morris to Walter Gropius
Penguin Books (Pelican A497) rep 1968
8vo pb 256pp, bmps + wr to corners + edges, sl dulling to cvrs, crease to
rear cvr o/w VG 335 gms
(Order reference 13679).
£4.00 |
J E: George Frederick Watts
E Grant Richards rep 1907
16mo, maroon cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine + gold art nouveau
style cartouche to fr bd, top edge gilt + other edges untrimmed, sl wr to
darkened bds, sl crsing to rear endpaper, sl dmge to fr hnge. VG. Thirty-two
illiustrations. 240 gms
(Order reference 13385).
£5.00 |
Piper, David:
The English Face
National Portrait Gallery 1st thus 1978
8vo F/VG++ 800 gms
(Order reference 6001).
£12.00 |
Christine: William Morris
Eagle Editions 1998
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards in similar d/w M/F 715 gms
(Order reference 5416).
£6.50 |
Praz, Mario:
An Illustrated History of Interior Decoration - from Pompeii to Art Nouveau
Thames & Hhudson 1st 1964
v min wr to bds, v min wr to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ over 2kgs
(Order reference 2255).
£125.00 |
Albert: The Studio Library of Decorative Art
- The Dictionary of Ornament
Studio Editions 1990
large 4to, sl wr + bmps to bd edges, min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG+
over 2 kgs
(Order reference 6707).
Albert Racinet's nineteenth century survey of ornament remains a
classic work of fine art publishing. One hundred and twenty full-page colour
plates are reproduced here to create a stunning visual history of ornament
from Ancient Greece to modern times.
First published in Paris in 1885 as L'Ornement Polychrome, Deux¬ieme
Serie, the coverage in this volume is global in scope. The first plates
present the most vibrant ex¬amples of ornamental art from the great
empires and their civilizations. From Rome, Byzantium, China and Arabia,
colours and motifs can be compared in all their extravagance and beauty.
In this volume is the representation of ornament from Eastern Europe: painted
enamelling from the Ottoman Empire, illumi¬nated manuscripts from Armenia,
and designs exemplifying the 'rhyth¬mical logic' which Racinet perceived
as the principle underlying centuries of Russian ornament. The remaining
plates discover the evolution of ornament century by century. Par¬ticularly
noteworthy is the resplen¬dent jewellery, stained glass and marginal
decoration of the Renais-sance and the Middle Ages.
Racinet's introduction and detailed plate captions explain the import¬ance
of image and medium, from the essentially spiritual Egyptian symbols of
the natural world to the `intense' tones of nineteenth century floral designs
printed on wool mus¬lin. Accompanying line drawings help to clarify
the process of identi¬fication and definition at work in the text.
With a classified index of media and subjects, this book will delight the
student of art or design with the variety and exuberance of its glorious
£15.00 |
Read, Herbert
(consulting ed) revised edition by Nikos Stangos: Thames
& Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists
Thames & Hudson rep 1989
large 8vo pb 352pp VG++ 640 gms
(Order reference 8832).
£4.50 |
Brian: Aubrey Beardsley
Antique Collectors' Club 1987
large 4to, blue cloth-cvred bds with gold titling to fr bd + spine, min
wrinkling to d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 1890 gms
(Order reference 14873).
Beardsley was born in 1872; diagnosed seven years later as tubercular, virtually
untrained; famous by his early twenties and dead at twenty-five, leaving
an immense volume of work and exercising a wider influence abroad than any
English illustrator since Hogarth.
This book, the standard work and a mammoth task of collection by Brian Reade,
provides the public with the opportunity to see virtually the entire collection
of Beardsley's mature work, culled from a wide variety of sources, thus
enabling the collector to distinguish between the genuine Beardsley and
the hundreds of spurious pastiches attributed to him. This superb assembly
of the work of one of Britain's greatest masters of line drawing is now
reissued by the Antique Collectors' Club.
Aubrey Beardsley was once popularly described as a disciple of evil and
identified with the 'decadent' excesses of Oscar Wilde. Indeed, it is possible
to see in the intense sensuous drawings he produced during his brief working
life, some connection with the character of Wilde's Dorian Gray.
Interest in Beardsley's work was revived in the mid-'sixties with a retrospective
exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum and similar ones held in New
York at the Gallery of Modern Art and at the County Museum, Los Angeles.
Perhaps the key to his great popularity is his consummate ability with line
and shape and his use of space. He did not need to express himself in colour
— his defiant personality projected itself in black and white, not
in three-dimensional realism. If some of his contemporaries saw it differently,
`the mere glorification of a hideous and putrescent aspect of modern life',
the fact remains he is now regarded as an artist draughtsman of brilliant
494 black and white illustrations 8 colour illustrations
£25.00 |
Brenda: Make Your Own Dress Patterns
Batsford 1st 1977
4to, blue bds with gold titling to spine, v minor indents + slight wear
to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 520 gms
(Order reference 14723).
£12.50 |
Redoute, Pierre
Joseph: The Most Beautiful Flowers
Zachary Kwintner Books 1991
folio, v v min indents to btm edge of bds o/w F/VG++. 144 engraved colour
plates in facsimile. 2kgs+
(Order reference 13268).
£70.00 |
Rolf Gunter: Edward Hopper 1882 - 1967 - transformation
of the real
Taschen 1st 1993
4to pb 96pp, v v min bmps o/w VG++ 505 gms
(Order reference 6761).
£5.00 |
Rewald, John:
Camille Pissarro - letters to his son Lucien
Routledge & Kegan Paul 4th edn 1980
d/w sp sl sunned o/w M/VG++ 874 gms
(Order reference 2247).
£10.00 |
D Talbot: Teach Yourself to Study Art
English University Press 1967
min wr to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 232 gms
(Order reference 2859).
£2.00 |
Rice, David
Talbot: Islamic Art
Thames & Hudson rep 1977
8vo pb 288pp, v v min wr o/w F- 400 gms
(Order reference 2694).
£4.50 |
Andrew F: Eric Carr - artist & sculptor
of Liverpool
West Derby Publishing no date
8vo stapled softback 72pp VG++ 125 gms
(Order reference 11526).
£15.00 |
John: Braque (Penguin Modern Painters)
Penguin 1st 1959
small 4to paperback in wraps. 32 pages of text + 32 pages of plates (16
b/w, 16 col). V v min wr to edges of cvrs, underlining + notes to some pages,
slight wr, small chps + small trs to wraps o/w VG+/VG 180 gms
(Order reference 14865).
From the blub:
“Although one of the greatest French artists of the last century,
Braque is still to some extent overshadowed by Matisse and Picasso. Yet,
as the recent retrospective exhibition in London revealed, Braque's highest
achievements are no less profound and original than theirs, and his work
has likewise proved one of the most fruitful sources for modern artists
to draw upon.
Instead of devising one eye-catching style after another, Braque has devoted
his time to less spectacular but, in the long run, more rewarding tasks:
he has evolved an entirely fresh solution to the problem of representing
form and space on a two-dimensional surface and, at the end of his life,
has arrived at an original and valid conception of artistic reality. Braque
makes us look at things with new eyes, gives us a new insight into their
physical reality and arouses in us a new awareness of formal, spatial, and
tactile values. That is why we have to recognize him as a great master.
This book traces the artist's development through Fauvism and the various
phases of Cubism, many of which Braque originated, up to the more esoteric
and visionary achievements of recent years.
Throughout the preparation of this study the author has worked in close
collaboration with Braque, consequently many of the statements are made
with the artist's authority.”
£4.00 |
Rideal, Liz:
Double Take - comparing the art of the graphic and photographic portraiture
Berol Ltd 1991
4to pb 48pp. No. 593 of a limited edition of 5000. F 225 gms
(Order reference 13701).
£8.00 |
Jane F'word by H R H Duke of Edinburgh: Royal
Grafton Books 1st 1987
large 4to M/VG++ 1190 gms
(Order reference 5580).
£6.00 |
Duncan: Man and Measure - the paintings of
Tom Wood
Hart gallery nd
landscape fmt 4to, sl wr + curling to d/w edges o/w F/VG+ 1015 gms
(Order reference 14640).
£7.50 |
Eve & Robson, Norman: Classic Natural
History Prints - Botanical Prints
Collins & Brown 1st 1991
folio VG++/VG++ 1545 gms
(Order reference 13267).
£35.00 |
Rodwell, Jenny:
Painting Interiors - 28 artists talk about
their work
Collins 1st 1989
4to F/VG++ 850 gms
(Order reference 10419).
£11.00 |
Cynthia: Design After Dark - the story of
dancefloor style
Thames & Hudson 1st 1991
square format 4to pb 159pp, min wr to edges o/w VG++ 690 gms
(Order reference 6421).
£8.50 |
Ross, Jane
(ed): To Paint the Lily - the gilded age and
the Edmund McDougall Collection
Provincial Museum of Alberta 1st 1993
4to pb 104pp, bmps + sl wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 400 gms
(Order reference 11097).
£8.00 |
Dorgan Ills by William Rushton: Dorgan Rushton's
Pelham Books 1st 1984
square format 4to, v min bmps to bds, v v min creasing to d/w edges o/w
VG++/VG++ 565 gms
(Order reference 7841).
£7.50 |
Ruskin, John:
'A Joy For Ever' (and its price in the market) being the substance (with
additions) of two lectures on the political economy of art
George Allen 2nd edn 1889
8vo, green bds with gold titling to sp, small name to fep, gift inscr to
fly leaf, dated 1891 which includes the verse from which the title is taken.
Min wr + bmps to bds, some spotting to prelims + endpapers o/w VG+ 420 gms
(Order reference 9639).
£40.00 |
Leonard (ed): The Saturday Book - Sixth Year
Hutchinson 1946
no d/w, min bmps, sl grubby, min fxg to eps & p edges o/w VG
(Order reference 1369).
£8.00 |
David: The Art of the Celts
Hamlyn 1st 1998
squ format 4to F/F 725 gms
(Order reference 4598).
£12.50 |
Doris & Walker, Wallace: M C Escher Kaleidozyklein
Taschen 1992 landscape fmt 4to pb 21pp of text + 28pp of push-out three-dimensional
models. V v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 515 gms
(Order reference 10952).
£10.00 |
Michael (ed + intro): Sir Thomas Malory's
Tales of King Arthur
Guild rep 1988
F/VG++ 920 gms
(Order reference 1877).
£5.50 |
Conrad: The Steady States
Walker Art Gallery/New Art Gallery, Walsall 2006
8vo pb 128pp, sl wr to edges of cvrs + v sl creasing o/w VG++ 285 gms
(Order reference 14671).
£12.00 |
E G: Design and Print
Macdonald & Evans 1st 1963
wr + dulling to d/w + price clipped o/w VG++/VG+ 295 gms
(Order reference 3186).
£7.50 |
Ann: The Cave Artists (155 illustrations,
14 in colour)
Thames & Hudson 1st 1979
4to F/VG++ 585 gms
(Order reference 6569).
£15.00 |
Hilda: Colour in Reproduction - theory and
techniques for artists and designers
Viking Press 1st 1980
4to VG++/F 620 gms
(Order reference 5947).
£8.50 |
Smith, F R:
Sir Isaac Pitman 1931
sm 8vo, thick cards, bds grubby, sm pce of fr bd mssg, sl distortion to
btm r h cnr of pp o/w VG 250 gms
(Order reference 3943).
£7.00 |
Lawrence: Contemporary Japanese Prints - symbols
of a society in transition
British Museum Pubs 1985
4to pb exhibition catalogue, 45pp + 80pp of illustrations 475 gms
(Order reference 5099).
£25.00 |
Soulie, Bernard:
Japanese Erotism
Miller Graphics 1981
4to, no d/w, v v min indents to bds o/w VG++ 770 gms
(Order reference 7144).
£7.50 |
Frances & Gore, Frederick: Peter Coker
Abbot Hall Art Gallery with Redcliffe Press 1st 1992
4to pb 54pp F+ 270 gms
(Order reference 14881).
£15.00 |
Penny: Design in Context
Guild 1st 1987
square fmt 4to F/VG++ 1330 gms
(Order reference 11617).
£35.00 |
Sparrow, W
Shaw: Joshua to Job - being a continuation
of 'The Old Testament in Art'
Hodder & Stoughton 1906
ex ref lib, no d/w, lib bookplate to fr pastedown VG 1085 gms
(Order reference 728).
£20.00 |
Miranda: The Black Presence - the representation
of black people in the paintings of National Museums & Galleries on
Bluecoat Press 1999
landscape fmt 4to pb 32pp, min curling to cvrs o/w VG++ 135 gms
(Order reference 12386).
£5.00 |
Stanton, Jane:
The Art of Life Drawing
Artists House 1st 1989
4to, glazed pict bds in similar d/w, min bmps to bds, min crsing to d/w
o/w VG+/VG+ 670 gms
(Order reference 4376).
£6.50 |
Erhardt D & Urban, Dieter: Initials and
Decorative Alphabets
Blandford Press 1st 1985
8vo F/F 790 gms
(Order reference 6925).
£15.00 |
Stuckey, Charles
F: Monet Water Lilies
Konemann 1988
large landscape format, gold titling to fr bd + spine, v v min wr to bds
o/w VG++/F 1890 gms
(Order reference 14372).
£22.00 |
Arthur (appreciation by): The Collected Drawings
of Aubrey Beardsley
Bounty Books 1st 1967
large 4to, 1/4 bound with paper cvred bds with cloth spine with dark green
titling, min bmps + dulling to bds, min crsing, wr + small pce mssg from
d/w o/w VG/G+ 965 gms
(Order reference 14425).
£28.00 |
Bela Photos by Jozsef Hapk: 'The habitation
of thy house, Lord, I have loved well...' - reformed ecclesiastical art
in Hungary
Officina Nova no date
4to, 2 v v min water stains to fr bd + corresponding stains to inner of
d/w o/w F/F 555 gms
(Order reference 6063).
£20.00 |
Taylor, Roger
G (compiled by): Marilyn in Art
Elm Tree Books 1st 1984
square fmt 4to, v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++ 825 gms
(Order reference 10338).
£25.00 |
Denis: Van Gogh on Location
Regency House Publishing 1st 1994
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w, min wr to d/w edges
+ short tr to fr of d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 760 gms
(Order reference 12446).
£4.50 |
Thorp, Robert
L: Son of Heaven - Imperial Arts of China
Son of Heaven Press 1st 1988
4to pb 208pp, vv min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++. Official exhibition publication.
970 gms
(Order reference 11625).
£5.00 |
Alexander: Lord Weymouth's Murals
no publisher given and no publishing date (1970s?)
square format stapled 4to pb, unpaginated VG++ 145
(Order reference 7262).
£5.00 |
Tooley, R
V: Maps and Map Makers
B T Batsford 6th edn 1978
4to F/VG++ 865 gms
(Order reference 6950).
This standard work gives full information and illustrations of the
principal map-makers and map publishers and their work from the earliest
times to the nineteenth century, combining an appreciation of the popular
decorative side of early maps with historical and bibliographical notes.
For this new edition a fresh general introduction has been provided, and
the lists of authorities at the ends of chapters have been brought up to
“... a magnificently illustrated study of map-making from the earliest
times to the mid-nineteenth century.”— The Daily Telegraph
“It is the first really extensive catalogue raisonne on its subject.”—
New Statesman
“No book quite like Maps and Map-Makers, nor so useful in its way,
has ever been published in England. Nor have we any work on this subject
so well or so generously illustrated, for it contains nearly a hundred large
plates, several of them in colour. It has come very opportunely.”—
Dr Edward Lynam in The Spectator
“This is the most comprehensive book on maps yet published in England.”—The
“Amateur collectors will find this book most useful; experts, librarians
and booksellers will hardly be able to dispense with it as a reference book.”—
The American Geographical Magazine
The jacket illustration, of De Jode's map of Alaska, Antwerp 1593 is from
a transparency by S. Gooders.
£15.00 |
C F Robert Gillmor (ed + intro): Sketches
of Birdlife
Nationwide Book Service 1981
landscape format 4to, sl waterstaining to btm edge of bds and to inside
of d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 1040 gms
(Order reference 9348).
£10.00 |
Friedrich-Karl: Elephantasies
Dennis Dobson 1st 1966
VG+/VG+ 212 gms
(Order reference 531).
£6.00 |
Walther, Ingo
F: Pablo Picasso 1881 - 1973 - genius of the
Taschen 1st 1993
4to pb 96pp F+ 500 gms
(Order reference 6760).
£5.00 |
Marina: Queen Victoria's Sketchbook
Macmillan rep 1979
4to, v v min wr to d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 795 gms
(Order reference 6301).
£5.00 |
Watkin, E
I: Catholic Art and Culture
Burns & Oats 1st 1942
8vo, clth bds v sl stned + min bmps, creasing to btm edge of fr of d/w +
closed trs, ex libris plate to fr pd o/w VG/VG+ 362 gms
(Order reference 2863).
£10.00 |
Peter: Portrait of David Hockney
Chatto & Windus 1st 1988
4to F/VG++ 1115 gms
(Order reference 13595).
£7.00 |
Wells, N M:
William Morris
Brockhampton Press 1st 1996
4to pb 96pp F+ 500 gms
(Order reference 14426).
£3.00 |
Mortimer: Roman Art & Architecture
Thames & Hudson 1st 1964
8vo pb, min wr to edges, sl delamination on sp o/w VG+ 484 gms
(Order reference 2743).
£3.50 |
Sarah: Malcolm Morely in Full Colour
Hayward Gallery Publishing 2001
4to pb 150pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w F. Published on the occasion
of the exhibition 'Malcolm Morely in Full Colour', Hayward Gallery 15th
June-27th August 2001
(Order reference 11851). |
Roger: The Art of Leonardo da Vinci - a portrait
of a Renaissance man
Eagle Editions 2002
large 4to pb 192pp F 1300 gms
(Order reference 6773).
£22.00 |
Wilde, Fred:
The Music in the Streets
Collins 1st 1983
glazed pict bds F 450 gms
(Order reference 1052).
£8.00 |
Frank: African Art
Thames & Hudson rep 1988
large 8vo pb 288pp. 261 illustrations, 61 in colour. VG++ 535 gms
(Order reference 13149).
£3.00 |
Wilson, Eva:
British Museum Pattern Books - North American
Indian Designs
British Museum Press 5th imp 1998
4to pb 128pp, v min bmps + wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 570 gms
(Order reference 13883).
£6.00 |
Carl: Elizabethan Miniatures
Penguin Books (King Penguin) revised + reprinted 1955
8vo, short trs + sl wear to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 125 gms
(Order reference 14733).
£4.50 |
Wolf, Tom:
Yasuo Kuniyoshi's Women
Pomegranate Books 1st 1993
large square format 4to, sunning to d/w sp o/w F/F 780 gms
(Order reference 4898).
£18.00 |
Anna: Handmade Graphics - Tools and Techniques
Beyond the Mouse
How Books 1st 2009
4to pb 175pp M 675 gms
(Order reference 14630).
£12.50 |
Wunuwun, Jack:
Songs of the Dreamtime
Fidado 1st 1995
square format 4to, glazed pictorial boards in similar d/w VG++/VG++ 320
(Order reference 6208).
£15.00 |