Leigh: Shire Album 206 - Church Memorial Brasses
and Brass Rubbing
Shire Publications 1st 1987
8vo stapled softback 32pp F 80 gms
(Order reference 11887).
£3.00 |
Jurgen & Marianne: Lehmann Toys - The
History of E P Lehmann 1881-1981
New Cavendish Books 1st English edn 1982
large squ format 4to, glazed pict bds VG++ 1110 gms
(Order reference 3925).
In the world of Tin Toys, the products
of E P Lehmann have formed a distinctive sub-group both from the point of
view of subject and style. They represent all that was great in German toys
in both form and movement. This
superbly researched and illustrated book compiled with the close co-operation
of the Lehmann company, sets new standards in ‘one-make’ toy
authors are fortunate in having been able to deal in facts rather than
conjecture and give some fascinating insights into the birth of the German
Toy Industry in the late nineteenth century.
toy manufactured by E P Lehmann is illustrated together with many references
to toys that were planned but never produced.
pages. 700 illustrations including 220 in full colour.

£50.00 |
Cole, Michael
(series editor): Annual Register of Book Values
1997 - Literature
The Clique 1997
4to glazed pictorial boards F 440 gms
(Order reference 13788).
£2.00 |
Michael (series editor): Annual Register of
Book Values 1997 - Science & Medicine
The Clique 1997
4to glazed pictorial boards F 440 gms
(Order reference 13789).
£2.00 |
Cole, Michael
(series editor): Annual Register of Book Values
1997 - Modern First Editions
The Clique 1997
4to glazed pictorial boards F 440 gms
(Order reference 13790).
£2.00 |
Michael (series editor): Annual Register of
Book Values 1997 - Children's Books
The Clique 1997
4to glazed pictorial boards, min sunning o/w F 440 gms
(Order reference 13791).
£2.00 |
Cole, Michael
(series editor): Annual Register of Book Values
1997 - The Arts & Architecture
The Clique 1997
4to glazed pictorial boards, bmps + sl wr to bd edges o/w VG++ 440 gms
(Order reference 13792).
£2.00 |
Dale: Shire Album 233 - Golfing Bygones
Shire Publications 1st 1989
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp, gift inscr to inside of fr cvr o/w F 75 gms
(Order reference 14124). |
£2.50 |
Robert: Shire Album 97 - Blue and White Transfer-Printed
Shire Publications rep 1986
8vo stapled booklet 32pp M 80 gms
(Order reference 7792).
£3.50 |
John: English Porcelain
Letts 1st 1974
4to F/F 458 gms
(Order reference 2723). |
£4.50 |
Soraya: Divine Beauty - the art of collectibles
- compacts, lipsticks, scent bottles
L'aventurine 2001
4to pb 95pp, v v min bmps o/w VG++ 460 gms
(Order reference 12100).
£12.00 |
Edward: Treasure Hunting for All - a popular
guide to a profitable hobby
Blandford Press rep 1975
8vo, glazed pictorial boards VG++ 315 gms
(Order reference 9792).
£5.00 |
Edward: A Treasure Hunter's Guide
Blandford Press 1st 1975
8vo, glazed pictorial boards VG++ 350 gms
(Order reference 9793).
£5.00 |
Edward: Bottle Collecting - finding, collecting
and displaying antique bottles
Blandford Press rep 1975
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, min bmps + sunning to bds o/w VG+ 275 gms
(Order reference 9791).
£5.00 |
Claude: Jewellery from the Renaissance to Art
Octopus 1973
square format 4to, pictorial bds in similar d/w, v v min wr to bds at hd
& tail of sp, v v min dmge to d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 625 gms
(Order reference 5611).
£4.00 |
Nance: Decorative Glass of the 19th and early
20th Centuries
David & Charles 1st 1996
lrge squ format 4to M/F 1080 gms
(Order reference 4331).
£19.50 |
Lincoln: Royal Commemoratives
Shire Publications 1st 1997
8vo stapled softback 40pp F 100 gms
(Order reference 11881).
£7.00 |
Hartink, A
E: The Complete Encyclopedia of Knives - a
comprehensive guide to knives from around the world
Rebo 2nd edn 2004
8vo, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w M/F+ 1085 gms
(Order reference 11267).
£8.00 |
Hayden, Arthur:
Chats on English China
Ernest Benn 13th imp 1947
8vo, blue cloth cvred bds, gold titling to spine, wr to cnrs + mrks + spotting
to bds o/w VG 480 gms
(Order reference ). |
£5.00 |
A A C: Shire Album No. 6 - Bottles and Bottle
Shire Publications 10th imp 1988
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 12293).
£1.00 |
Hedges, A
A C: Shire Album 6 - Bottles and Bottle Collecting
Shire Publications 1st 1975
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp, sl wr to cvrs o/w VG+ 75 gms
(Order reference 14302).
£3.00 |
A A C: Shire Album No. 6 - Bottles and Bottle
Shire Publications 1st 1975
8vo stapled booklet 32pp, crsing to cvrs o/w VG 75 gms
(Order reference 6178).
£3.00 |
Hedges, A
A C: Shire Album No. 6 - Bottles and Bottle
Shire Publications 1st 1975
8vo stapled booklet 32pp, min crse to fr cvr o/w VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 6161).
£2.00 |
G Bernard: English Pottery and Porcelain Figures
Lutterworth Press 1st 1964
8vo, gold titling to spine, v v sl wr to hd + tail of spine, wr, chps, small
tears + some tiny areas mssg from d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 620 gms
(Order reference 9089).
£12.00 |
Holmes, Edwin
F: A History of Thimbles
Cornwall Books 1st 1985
large 4to, wr + chps to d/w edges + closed trs o/w F/VG+ 1000 gms
(Order reference 10114).
A History of Thimbles is the most authoritative and comprehensive
survey that has been written to date concerning thimbles and their history,
and it may well prove to be the definitive work on the subject. The book
is aimed both at collectors who want a guide to help them identify their
thimbles and find out more about them, and at those who desire a more general
history of the subject. Many collectors will be gratified to find that an
entire chapter has been devoted to the more popular Dorcas thimbles and
that considerable attention has been paid to base metal and to plastic thimbles.
It is the author's contention that iron and brass thimbles are in some ways
more important than thimbles made of precious metals. Other collectors will
welcome the layout of the book which, by having separate chapters for each
of the four main thimble producing countries as well as separate chapters
for each of the materials from which thimbles are made, provides a ready
means of reference. Readers will also appreciate the large number of illustrations,
including some taken from manufacturers' catalogues, which have never appeared
More advanced collectors will revel in the older and rarer material, while
at the same time coming to realize that there is always something new to
learn and that however good their collections, they remain far from complete.
The book will also appeal to students of social history because of the surprisingly
important place which thimbles came to acquire in the household as well
as their role as an objet de galanterie.
But the value of this book is not limited exclusively to its subject matter
or the specialized research that lies behind it. Its value also rests on
the fact that its author is an active and experienced collector, an enthusiast
keen to pass on his knowledge, and someone who is prepared to advise others
on every aspect of thimble collecting, including what to look for when buying
and what to avoid, how to care for thimbles and even what museums to visit.

£80.00 |
Jeffery: Shire Album 9 - Pillow Lace and Bobbins
Shire Publications rep 1980
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp, sl creasing to fr cvr o/w VG+ 75 gms
(Order reference 14111).
£2.50 |
Jeffery: Shire Album 9 - Pillow Lace and Bobbins
Shire Publications rep 1980
8vo stapled booklet 32pp, wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG+ 80 gms
(Order reference 7795).
£2.50 |
Eleanor: Shire Album 96 - Thimbles
Shire Publications rep 1984
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 13599).
£2.50 |
Johnson, Eleanor:
Shire Album 96 - Thimbles
Shire Publications 1st 1982
8vo stapled softback 32pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 11889).
£2.00 |
Eleanor: Shire Album 38 - Needlework Tools
Shire Publications rep 1978
8vo stapled booklet 32pp VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 7797).
£2.50 |
Johnson, Eleanor:
Shire Album 58 - Fashion Accessories
Shire Publications rep 1994
8vo stapled booklet 32pp VG++ 85 gms
(Order reference 6172).
£5.00 |
Joan: Shire Album 279 - Minton
Shire Publications 1st 1992
8vo stapled booklet 32pp VG++ 90 gms
(Order reference 6157).
£2.50 |
Richard & Brooksmith, Peter: The Fighting
Handgun - an illustrated history from the flintlock to automatic weapons
Arms & Armour 1st 1996 4to, 2 tiny indents to fr bd, small tr to top
fr edge of d/w + v sl edge wrinkling o/w VG++/VG++ 755 gms
(Order reference 12487).
£8.50 |
Frankie: Millers - Ceramics of the 20s &
30s - a collector's guide
Octopus Publishing Group rep 2002
8vo pb 64pp F+ 175 gms
(Order reference 14452).
£6.50 |
Levey, Santina:
Discovering Embroidery of the 19th Century
Shire 1977
small 8vo pb 64pp VG++ 65 gms
(Order reference 9459).
£2.50 |
Santina M: Discovering Embroidery of the 19th
Shire rep 1983
small 8vo pb 64pp VG++ 70 gms
(Order reference 9450).
£2.50 |
Giovanni: Cassell's Styles in Art - Glass
from Antiquity to the Renaissance
Cassell 1988
8vo pb 155pp VG++ 230 gms
(Order reference 9399).
£3.00 |
Martin, Elizabeth:
Collecting and Preserving Old Photographs
Collins 1st 1988
4to M/F 705 gms
(Order reference 5209).
£12.50 |
Bridget: The Collector's Guide to Thimbles
Bracken Books rep 1999
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w, v sl wr + chps to edges
of d/w, edges sl curled, d/w price-clipped F/VG++ 755 gms
(Order reference 13539).
£18.00 |
Bridget: The Collector's Guide to Thimbles
Bracken Books rep 1996
large 4to, v v min wr to bd edges o/w VG++/VG++ 760 gms
(Order reference 6042).
£18.00 |
Judith (intro): Millers Antiques and Collectables
Millers 1st 1993
large 8vo, green faux leather cvred bds with gold titling to fr bd o/w VG++
530 gms
(Order reference 13846).
£8.00 |
Mills, John
Fitzmaurice: Look After Your Antiques - a
practical guide to care and repair
Ebury Press 1st 1980
8vo, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG++ 380 gms
(Order reference 11481).
£3.00 |
Eric: Keys - their history and collection
Shire Publications rep 2010
8vo paperback 72pp F 190 gms
(Order reference 14838).
£22.00 |
Moore, N Hudson:
The Collector's Manual
Tudor Publishing 3rd prtg 1937
4to, v min wr to edges of bds, small name to fep o/w VG++ 1270 gms
(Order reference 13132).
£5.00 |
Jim: Shire Album 79 - Trade Tokens
Shire Publications 1st 1981
8vo 32pp stapled booklet, v v min dulling + wear to cvrs o/w VG+ 75 gms
(Order reference 14527).
£4.00 |
Newmark, Jim:
Shire Album 79 - Trade Tokens
Shire Publications 1st 1981
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 11936).
£7.50 |
Raymond: Shire Album 104 - Carnival Glass
Shire Publications 2nd edn 1986
8vo stapled softback 32pp, v v min crse to fr cvr o/w VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 11888).
£5.00 |
Notley, Raymond:
Shire Album No. 162 - Pressed Flint Glass
Shire Publications 1st 1986
8vo stapled booklet 32pp VG++ 80 gms
(Order reference 7791).
£3.00 |
Rosemary: Refurbishing Antiques
Pelham Books 3rd imp 1978
8vo, sunning to d/w spine o/w F+/VG++ 415 gms
(Order reference 9236).
£4.00 |
Reed, Christopher
Dunham F'word by Joseph V McMullan: Turkoman
Fogg Art Museum/Harvard Univ. 1st 1966
4to landscape format, paper cvred bds, v min wr to edges o/w VG++. Letter
from Fogg Art Museum laid in. Scarce 424 gms
(Order reference 2690).
£25.00 |
Stanley: Pleasures and Treasures - Oriental
Rugs and Carpets
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1967
squ format 4to, no d/w, ex lib, fep replaced VG+ 520 gms
(Order reference 6197).
£5.00 |
Reilly, Robin:
Wedgwood Jasper
Thames & Hudson 1994
4to, maroon bds, gold titling to sp, gold device to fr bd, v v min crsing
+ abrasion to d/w o/w F/VG++. 600 illustrations, 71 in colour. 1740 gms
(Order reference 9983).
£45.00 |
Peter R: Agate Collecting in Britain
B T Batsford 1st 1975
4to, v v min wr + crsing to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 505 gms
(Order reference 7272).
£28.00 |
Kay N: Shire Album 41 - Old Garden Tools
Shire Publications 1st 1979
8vo stapled sftbk 32pp, v v sl crsing to cvrs o/w VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 12946).
£3.00 |
Seaby, P J
& Bussell, Monica (eds): British Copper
Coins and Their Values 1968/69 edition
Seaby 6th edition 68/69
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, v min marking to endpapers o/w VG++ 210 gms
(Order reference 8045).
£5.00 |
Ken: The Graphic Art of Enamel Badges with
581 colour illustrations
Thames & Hudson 1999
landscape fmt 8vo pb 176pp, v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 405 gms
(Order reference 9426).
£5.00 |
Simmoms, Rosemary:
Collecting Original Prints Studio
Vista/Christie's 1st 1980
4to, min wr + sunning to bd edges, inscr to fr pd, v vmin wr to d/w o/w
VG++/VG++ 652 gms
(Order reference 2732).
£5.00 |
Sommer, Elyse:
Contemporary Costume Jewellery
George Allen and Unwin 1st 1974
4to, ex lib, v v min bmps to bds, min chps to d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 805 gms
(Order reference 3171).
£8.50 |
R W: A Book of English Clocks
King Penguin 1st 1947
8vo, boards of the book are in rather poor condition with spine strip missing,
contents, however, are clean and complete G 215 gms
(Order reference 7579).
£4.00 |