Lynne Reid: Path to the Silent Country - Charlotte
Bronte's Years of Fame
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1977
8vo F/VG++ 420 gms
(Order reference 13029).
£12.50 |
Bartram, Alan:
Making Books - Design in British Publishing
since 1945
The British Library & Oak Knoll Press 1st 1999
large square format 4to pb 160pp, v min bmps to cvrs + some creasing o/w
VG++ 745 gms
(Order reference 14545).
£20.00 |
Calvin & McNeer, Craig: Oscar Wilde's
Guide to Modern Living
Simon & Schuster 1st 1996
M/VG++ 264 gms
(Order reference 1300).
£4.00 |
Mavis: Alice's Adventures in Oxford
Pitkin Pictorials rep 1994
4to stapled sftbk 32pp, sl wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 125 gms
(Order reference 12690).
in Wonderland and Lewis Carroll belong to Oxford. She was the daughter
of the Dean of Christ Church and he was one of the college tutors. Alice
was born in 1852 at Westminster School, where her father, the Revd Henry
George Liddell, was head master. She was four years old when the family
moved to the Deanery at Christ Church. The rest of the family then consisted
of her brother Harry, aged nine, and two sisters, Lorina, who was six,
and Edith two years old. The first record of her meeting Lewis Carroll
is an entry in his diary in 1856: 'April 25. (F). Went over with Southey
in the afternoon to the Deanery, to try and take a photograph of the Cathedral:
both attempts proved failures. The three little girls were in the garden
most of the time, and we became excellent friends.’
Batey tells the story of Alice Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of Christ
Church, and the immortal friendship with `Lewis Carroll', the mathematics
don, which inspired the Alice books.
Mrs Batey, who is married to the Treasurer of Christ Church, has made
a special study of the Oxford background to the famous Alice stories,
which throws a new and refreshing light on Lewis Carroll.
saw an ancient city, and a quiet river winding near it along the plain,
and up the stream went slowly gliding a boat with a merry party of children
on board — she could hear their voices and laughter like music over
the water'.
From Alice's Adventures Under Ground.
£5.00 |
Clifford: Florence Farr, Bernard Shaw, W B
Yeats Letters
Home & Van Thal 1946
8vo, clth cvred bds, no d/w, dmge to hd + tail of sp (sm amt mssg at hd
of sp) o/w VG 105 gms
(Order reference 4405).
£7.00 |
Bayley, John:
Iris and the Friends - a year of memories
Duckworth 1st 1999
8vo F/VG++. A sequel to 'Iris: A Memoir'. D/w price-clipped 545 gms
(Order reference 6690).
£12.00 |
Alan: Writing Home
Faber & Faber 1st 1994
rbs to hd of sp of d/w o/w F/VG++ 806 gms
(Order reference 1482).
£15.00 |
Bettley, James
(ed): The Art of the Book from Medieval Manuscript
to Graphic Novel
V & A Publications 1st 2001
4to, min bmps to bds, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++ 1160 gms
(Order reference 11422).
Illuminated manuscripts, comics, fine bindings, the classics of
children's literature, artists' books and their working documents - these
are just some of the remarkable items to be found in the National Art Library
at the V&A. This fascinating and attractive volume explores the ways
in which books represent art and literature, and how the marriage of word
and image can create a work of art in its own right. In
a series of thematic chapters, the authors draw on their wide-ranging
expertise to look at the Library's major holdings, and in the process
illustrate the main aspects of book design and production over the centuries.
With medieval books of hours sitting alongside contemporary paperback
novels, the choice is wonderfully varied, from Leonardo da Vinci to Sir
Eduardo Paolozzi, Joan of Arc to Judge Dredd, Aesop to Charles Dickens,
and Babar the Elephant to Ian Fleming.
superb colour plates, accompanied by a clear and informative text, superbly
demonstrate the many facets of the art of bookmaking. This absorbing compendium,
spanning six centuries, will be of interest to all those with a love of
art, literary history and illustration.
£15.00 |
Harry: The Cassell Guide to Common Errors
in English
Cassell rep 1998
8vo pb 334pp F 350 gms
(Order reference 12375).
£2.50 |
David: The Hidden Huxley - contempt and compassion
for the masses
Faber & Faber 1st 1994
8vo F+/F 485 gms
(Order reference 9022).
£8.50 |
Neville (ed): Seeds in the Wind - 20th century
juvenilia from W B Yeats to Ted Hughes
Hutchinson 1st 1989
8vo, bmps to bds, v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++ 645 gms
(Order reference 9929).
£5.00 |
Breese, Martin
( compiled by): Breese's Guide to modern First
Editions 2000 edition
Breese Books 1999
8vo pb 312pp F 440 gms
(Order reference 13859).
£8.50 |
G L: A History of the English Language
Andre Deutsch 6th imp 1972
8vo VG++/VG++ 450 gms
(Order reference 12978).
The author's aim in writing this book has been to provide the historical
explanation of some of the puzzling features of the English language as
we use it today. He has had in mind both the general reader and students
at universities and training colleges who wish to learn something about
the history of their own language. There are introductory chapters on the
nature of language and the sounds of speech, followed by a brief sketch
of the history of the English language from the earliest times of which
we have any knowledge down to the present day. Later chapters deal with
the history of English spelling, phonology, accidence, syntax and the development
of meaning. Professor
G. L. Brook is Professor of English Language and Medieval English Literature
at the University of Manchester. He is interested in the study of dialect
and was the founder of the Lancashire Dialect Society and the first editor
of its Journal. In 1951 he was a visiting professor at the University
of California, Los Angeles. His publications include English Dialects,
The Language of Dickens (both in the Language Library), An Introduction
to Old English and an edition of the Middle English Harley Lyrics.
£7.00 |
Brooke, Henry:
Leslie Brooke and Johnny Crow
Frederick Warne 1st 1982
4to F/VG++ 580 gms
(Order reference 10689).
£14.00 |
Joseph: New Voices from the Longhouse - an
anthology of contemporary Iroquois writing
Greenfield Review Press 1st 1989
8vo pb 294pp, inscr to inside fr cvr o/w F 465 gms
(Order reference 5346).
£6.00 |
Burgen, Stephen:
Your Mother's Tongue - a book of European
Indigo 1997
8vo pb 223pp VG++ 175 gms
(Order reference 5396).
£5.00 |
Stephen & Colvin, David: Oscar Wilde -
An Exquisite Life
Orion 1st pb 1999
4to pb 112pp VG+ 514 gms
(Order reference 2304).
£5.00 |
Cameron, Deborah
(ed): The Feminist Critique of Language -
a reader
Routledge 2nd edn 2002
4to pb, min bmps to fr cvr, neat prev owner's name to fep o/w VG++ 700 gms
(Order reference 14383).
£15.00 |
David: A Portrait of Jane Austen
Penguin Books rep, 1981
4to pb 208pp, min wr + crsing to edges of cvrs o/w VG+ 490 gms.
(Order reference 7147).
£5.00 |
Ciment, Michel:
Elia Kazan - an American odyssey
Bloomsbury 1st English language edn, 1988
4to pb 237pp VG++ 880 gms.
(Order reference 9142).
£12.50 |
Susannah: With Chatwin - portrait of a writer
Cape 1st 1997
min mrks to d/w o/w F/VG++ 418 gms
(Order reference 2502).
£12.50 |
Coates, Jennifer:
Women, Men and Languages
Longman 2nd edn, 1993
small 4to pb 228pp, cvrs neatly cvred in self-adh film, min bmps o/w VG+
305 gms.
(Order reference 14441).
£5.00 |
Cole, Michael
(ed): Annual Register of Book Values - Voyages,
Travel & Exploration
The Clique 1997
8vo, glazed pictorial boards F 435 gms
(Order reference 13872).
£2.00 |
Robert L: Indexes and Indexing
Ernest Benn 4th revised edn 1972
8vo, sl sunning to bds, v v min wr to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++ 550 gms
(Order reference 11099). |
£7.50 |
Cookson, Catherine:
Let Me Make Myself Plain - a personal anthology
Bantam Press 1st 1988
inscr to fep o/w F/F 490 gms
(Order reference 3636).
£9.50 |
S H: Penguin Passnotes - Wuthering Heights
Penguin 1st 1984
8vo pb 88pp VG++ 82 gms
(Order reference 2494). |
£2.50 |
Courtney: Clocks, Jacks and Bee Boles - a
dictionary of country sights
Phoenix House 1st 1957
8vo, ex lib, tape stains to bds, eps + pastedowns; wr, chps + staining to
d/w o/w G/G 260 gms
(Order reference 13620).
£4.00 |
Day, David:
A Guide to Tolkien
Chancellor Press rep 2002
8vo pb 272pp VG++ 370 gms
(Order reference 12259).
£3.00 |
David: A Guide to Tolkien
Chancellor Press 2001
8vo pb 272pp VG++ 365 gms
(Order reference 9386).
£3.00 |
Dinnage, Paul
(translated by and intro): The Satyricon of
Spearman & Calder 1st 1953
8vo, no d/w, spotting + min bmps to bds o/w VG+ 425 gms
(Order reference 10297).
£10.00 |
Bob: Lancashire Nicknames and Sayings
Dalesman 2nd edn 1977
8vo pb 80pp, wr to edges of cvrs, esp to spine, o/w VG+ 145 gms
(Order reference 13662).
£4.00 |
Gerald: Books - their history, art, power,
glory, infamy and suffering according to their creators, friends and enemies
Phaidon 1st 1981 square format 4to, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++
655 gms
(Order reference 11386).
There are true book lovers, such as Erasmus: "When I get a
little money, I buy books: and if any is left, I buy food and clothes".
There are those who are not so keen, such as Louis XIV: "I see no point
in reading". There are critics who are less than fair to authors, such
as Sydney Smith: "I never read a book before reviewing it, it prejudices
a man so". There are authors who are less than kind to critics, such
as Rabelais: "As for you, little envious prigs, snarling, bastard,
puny Criticks, you'll soon have railed your last: Go hang yourselves".
Finally, there are those who stand by, incomprehending, such as William
Henry, Duke of Gloucester: "Another damned, thick, square book! Always
scribble, scribble, scribble! Eh! Mr Gibbon?". All
these quotes and many others are included in Gerald Donaldson's delightful
anthology: Books. In this beautifully illustrated volume are hundreds
of quotations about books being made, books being sold. books being read,
disastrous books, successful books, and the problem and cure of bibliomania.
A book for every book lover, dealer, curator or collector, Books is a
truly original collection of insights, both lighthearted and earnest:
it answers questions that few would have thought of asking, and it shows
the literati at their wittiest and wickedest, such as Disraeli, who wrote
on receiving an unsolicited manuscript: -Many thanks; I shall lose no
time in reading it"; or Groucho Marx, who wrote with his usual kindness:
-From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down I was convulsed
with laughter. Someday I intend reading it".
£7.50 |
Alfred: A Book of Scripts
Penguin (King Penguin) revised edn 1952
small 8vo, decorative paper covered bds in similar d/w, wr to bd edges,
wear to d/w edges o/w VG/VG 180 gms
(Order reference 5980). |
£5.00 |
A Nicholas & Gillespie, Michael Patrick: James
Joyce A-Z - An encyclopedic guide to his life and work
Bloomsbury 1st 1995
large 4to F/VG++ 1195 gms
(Order reference 9345).
£25.00 |
Fido, Martin:
The World of Sherlock Holmes - the facts and fiction behind the world's
greatest detective
Carlton 1st 1998
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w, min wrinkling + sl
crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG++ 865 gms
(Order reference 13905).
£10.00 |
Richard A: The Alphabet Abecedarium
Bloomsbury 1st UK edn, 2000
8vo, d/w sl grubby and has a felt-tip 'X' on fr cvr (which now looks like
part of the design) o/w F/VG++ 520 gms.
(Order reference 4342).
£7.00 |
Fisher, Margery:
The Bright Face of Danger - an exploration of the adventure story
Hodder & Stoughton 1st 1986
F/VG++ 840 gms
(Order reference 2286).
£20.00 |
Julian: A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang
Routledge & Kegan Paul rep 1977
8vo pb 202pp, v min bmps to edges of cvrs, v sl sunning to spine o/w VG++
325 gms
(Order reference 10778).
£3.00 |
Victoria: Rebecca West - a life
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1987
large 8vo, price cancelled on fr d/w foldover o/w F/F 760 gms
(Order reference 10953).
£6.00 |
Victoria: Rebecca West - A Life
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1987
VG++/VG++ 740 gms
(Order reference 3056).
£10.00 |
Susan Johnston: W B Yeats - Twentieth Century
Magus - an in-depth study of Yeats' esoteric practices & beliefs, including
excerpts from his magical diaries
Samuel Weiser 1st 2000
8vo paperback 224pp, gift inscription to inside fr cvr, slight sunning to
spine o/w VG++ 330 gms
(Order reference 14836).
Just as Yeats the poet gives the clearest expression of his magical
ideas, so it is the literary scholar who best introduces us to Yeats's texts—and
Susan Johnston Graf is a model literary scholar: deeply versed in Yeats's
work, she also possesses both a clear insight into his esoteric ideas and
a rare sympathy with them. Concentrating on A Vision, Yeats's most baffling
work, and on its unjustly neglected and equally enigmatic precursor, Per
Amica Silentia Lunae, Graf traces the development of Yeats's magical world-view
and analyzes its essential concepts.
She introduces us to the key symbols of the Rose, the Mask, and the Tower;
to the idea of the creative tension between self and anti-self, to the empowering
daimon and to the crucial role of sexuality in both the theory and practice
of Yeats's magic. Exploring Yeats's mind in a fascinating and original way,
Graf presents us with the real Demon est Deus Inversus: Yeats as a fusion
of magician and poet, a true genius and a true Twentieth-Century Magus.
—R. A. Gilbert, antiquarian bookseller and esoteric scholar
W. B. Yeats—Twentieth-Century Magus is a comprehensive study of his
magical practices and beliefs. Yeats moved through many different phases
of spiritual development, believing that his life was an intellectual, spiritual,
and artistic quest—a quest greatly influenced by Celtic lore, Theosophy,
Golden Dawn ceremonial magic, Swedenborg's metaphysics, the works of Jacob
Boehme and Neo-Platonism. For Yeats, writing poetry was an act of divine
possession, and he believed that a perfected soul was the source of his
inspiration, visiting him during times of superconscious awareness. Susan
Johnston Graf meticulously documents and provides evidence that Yeats's
poetry is a brilliant, lyric narrative of reality captured through the mind
of a practicing magician working in the Western Tradition.
£12.50 |
Valerie: Laurie Lee - the well-loved stranger
- the biography
Viking 1st 1999
8vo, gift inscr on sticker to title p, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG++
1070 gms
(Order reference 8156). |
£20.00 |
F E: Unfamiliar Shakespeare - scenes from
the less-known plays chosen with an introduction by (the author)
Gerald Duckworth 1st 1962
8vo, v v min bmps to bds, v min chps to sl grubby d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 230 gms
(Order reference 13502).
£5.00 |
Hands, Timothy:
A George Eliot Chronology
G K Hall & Co. 1st 1989
8vo M/F+ 436 gms
(Order reference 7781).
£6.50 |
Lawrence + E M: The Four Brontes - the lives
and works of Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne Bronte
Oxford University Press 2nd imp (revised) 1950
8vo, red cloth cvred bds, min wr + staining to bds, wr, chps and small areas
mssg from d/w o/w VG/VG 580 gms
(Order reference 13114).
£12.00 |
Hart, Anne:
Agatha Christie's Poirot - The Life and Times
of Hercules Poirot
Pavilion 1st 1990
inscr to fep o/w F/VG++ 636 gms
(Order reference 2289).
£15.00 |
Liam: The Literature of the Irish in Britain
- autobiography and memoir 1725 - 2001
Palgrave Macmillan 1st 2009
8vo, glazed decorative boards, v v tiny area of wr to lower fr cnr o/w F+
550 gms
(Order reference 14109).
£47.50 |
A L & Lindo, Cedric (selected by): Independence
Anthology of Jamaican Literature
The Arts Celebration Committee of the Ministry of Development 1962
8vo, bmps to bds, crsing, chps + wr to d/w plus small areas mssg. D/w sp
sunned, inscr to fep verso o/w VG+/G++ 540 gms
(Order reference 4510).
£12.00 |
Michael: York Notes - Selected Poems - T S
Longman rep 1985
8vo pb 88pp, wr to edges of cvrs, small neat row of handwritten numbers
to fr cvr o/w VG+ 155 gms
(Order reference 13429).
£1.50 |
Holroyd, Michael:
The Genius of Shaw
Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1st US 1979
F/VG++ 904 gms
(Order reference 1708).
£15.00 |
Michael: The Genius of Shaw
Hodder & Stoughton 1st 1979
sl bmps to sp o/w F/F 840 gms
(Order reference 237).
£15.00 |
Hough, Graham:
The Dark Sun
Gerald Duckworth 1st 1956
ex college lib, sl wr + crsing to d/w, large grease mark to d/w + sl grubby
o/w VG+/VG 435 gms
(Order reference 4110).
£8.00 |
Alan: Hardy: An illustrated dictionary
Kaye & Ward 1st 1980
8vo, ex lib, fep mssg, min bmps to bds, v min crsing to d/w o/w VG+/VG+
520 gms
(Order reference 8078).
£5.00 |
Hyde, G M:
D H Lawrence and the Art of Translation
Macmillan 1st 1981
8vo F/VG++ 285 gms
(Order reference 11756).
£15.00 |
H R F (ed): Agatha Christie - first lady of
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1977
4to, closed trs to d/w + wr to edges o/w VG++/VG+ 810 gms
(Order reference 9939).
£5.00 |
Keene, Donald
(compiled + edited by): Modern Japanese Literature
from 1868 to present day
Charles E Tuttle 16th printing 1981
8vo pb 440pp, v min crse to fr cvr + v min wr to edges, 3 names to fep o/w
VG++ 330 gms
(Order reference 9333).
£5.00 |
X J & Dorothy M; Aaron, Jane E: The Brief
Bedford Reader
Bedford/St Martins 6th edn 1997
lrge 8vo pb 462pp F 595 gms
(Order reference 9380).
£3.00 |
Kerouac, Jack
& Johnson, Joyce: Door Wide Open - a Beat
love affair in letters 1957 - 1958
Viking 1st 2000
8vo M/F 365 gms
(Order reference 10602). |
£14.00 |
Shelley (compiled by): The Wicked Wit of Charles
Michael O'Mara 1st 2002
8vo, glazed pictorial boards in a similar d/w M/F 340 gms
(Order reference 11309). |
£2.00 |
Krause, David:
Sean O'Casey and his World
Thames & Hudson 1st 1976
4to F/VG++ 570 gms
(Order reference 6894). |
£8.00 |
Andrew Ills John Lawrence: Blue Fairy Book
BCA, 1978
lrge 8vo, v min bmp to fr bd, sl wr to d/w edges, crsing + chps to top edge
of d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 785 gms.
(Order reference 3692). |
£12.00 |
Lang, Andrew
Illustrated by Jane Titherington: The Chronicles
of Pantouflia
Methuen 1st thus 1982
8vo, bmps + wr to bds, v sl spotting to fep, d/w price-clipped, wr + chps
to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 480 gms.
(Order reference 9651). |
£15.00 |
John: The Writing Beatle - In His Own Write
and A Spaniard in the Works in one volume
Signet 1st prtg 1967
pb 176pp, minor dulling + very slight staining to cvrs o/w VG+ 105 gms
(Order reference 14875). |
£7.00 |
Maria: Maya Script - a civilization and its
Abbeville Press 1st 2000
4to pb 180pp, crse to fr cvr + fep o/w VG++ 540 gms
(Order reference 11213). |
£3.50 |
Geoffrey & Lloyd, Noel: E F Benson As
He Was
Lennard Publishing 1st 1988
8vo F/F 505 gms
(Order reference 5670). |
£11.50 |
F B: A D H Lawrence Companion - life, thought
and works
Macmillan rep 1980
8vo, sl sunning to spine of d/w o/w F/F 580 gms
(Order reference 7775).
This study serves principally as a guide to the evaluation
of Lawrence's works. Each novel is the subject of close analysis; all the
shorter stories are considered; and the poems, constituting 'a biography
of an emotional and inner life', are surveyed with reference to important
changes in the text Lawrence's poetical development, and his attitudes to
life and society. The grouping of poems relative to Jessica Chambers, Louisa
Burrows, Helen Corke, and his mother is an early feature of this section.
Lawrence's unusual views are presented in terms of his own imagery. Familiarity
with his poetry and thought is not a prerequisite, but it can be of enormous
help in the appreciation of a writer who is frequently misunderstood, often
at cardinal points, partly because the full force of his figurative writing
is not realized, sometimes because his zeal and creative energy outstripped
his critical awareness. Special attention is given to the artistic function
of imagery in Lawrence's fiction, notably in scenes and actions where metaphorical
meaning far outweighs the literal. Since
Lawrence's work is so intimately linked with his life and travel, the
biographical introduction is presented in considerable detail. Other sections
are devoted to his 'travel' books, plays, literary criticism, and other
important works. Numerous references to key passages in the letters and
miscellaneous prose help to familiarize the reader with the corpus of
Lawrence's work, and with all major aspects of his thought.
his exceptional creative gifts, Lawrence relied unusually on his surroundings
for 'copy'. An appendix on people and places in the novels is supplemented
by incidental identifications in the chapter on the shorter stories. aps,
together with more than forty illustrations, complete this comprehensive
guide to Lawrence. |
£7.50 |
William: The Cumbrian Dictionary of Dialect,
Tradition and Folklore
Smith Settle 1st 1997
8vo pb 197pp, v v min bmps to cvrs o/w F 325 gms
(Order reference 13700).
'William Rollinson does for Lakeland words and traditions what Wainwright
did for its walks and climbs.' Melvyn Bragg
The Cumbrian Dictionary is the first comprehensive guide to the county's
dialect, tradition and folklore. It comprises: dialect words and expressions;
traditions and customs; and names from history and legend. The entries themselves
cover topics such as working life, food and domestic items, sport and recreation,
children's games, local rhymes and sayings, calendar customs and topographical
features. They include derivations, explanations and cross-references; and
quoted examples give the reader the precise meaning and flavour of the word
or phrase, often with traditional humour for good measure. Specially-commissioned
drawings complement the text perfectly.
Although it serves as a well-researched reference work, with its lively
yet authoritative text, the Dictionary is also a delight to browse through.
All in all, with over 2,000 entries and 140 illustrations, the Cumbrian
Dictionary is the essential book on Cumbrian phrase and fable.
'Succinct, authentic, well-illustrated ... good for a browse and assured
of a place on that part of the bookshelf reserved for standard works of
reference about our Cumbrian way of life.'
W R Mitchell MBE, former editor of Cumbria
'Firmly rooted in encyclopaedic knowledge but skilfully tailored to meet
the needs and interests of the general reader. A five-star companion for
aficionados of all things truly Cumbrian.'
George Bott, Keswick Reminder
'Whea else but Bill Rollinson cud hey put tagither seck a grand new beeuk?
T' amoont o' stuff in seck a handy-sized beeuk is a real capper!'
Ted Reiph, hon editor, Lakeland Dialect Society Journal |
£35.00 |
Room, Adrian:
Dictionary of Place Names in the British
Bloomsbury 1st 1988 4to, v v min bmps to bds, v v sl sunning to top edge
of bds, v v sl yellowing to d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 880 gms
(Order reference 13068).
£8.50 |
Meredith & Bithrey, W B: An Introduction
to Chinyanja
Oliver & Boyd 2nd edn revised + enlarged 1939
8vo, stapled construction in stiff bds. Rusting to staples, v v min bmps
+ mrking to bds o/w VG+ 225 gms
(Order reference 10315).
£25.00 |
Scholl, Hanns
Karl Trans from German by Douglas Martin: Landmarks
in the Development of Writing and Printing Techniques
Leicester School of Printing 1st thus 1971
F/VG 132 gms
(Order reference 611).
£6.00 |
Sinden, Donald:
The Last Word
BCA 1994
F/VG++ 504 gms.
(Order reference 2463).
£5.00 |
Simon: The Code Book - the science of secrecy
from Ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography
Fourth Estate 4th imp 1999
8vo M/F 775 gms
(Order reference 7879).
£7.50 |
Spaull, Hebe:
New Place Names of the World
Ward Lock 1st 1970
8vo VG++/VG++ 210 gms
(Order reference 8939).
£4.00 |
Frank: Arnold Bennett - A Last Word
Hamish Hamilton 1st 1978
8vo VG++/VG++ 320 gms
(Order reference 3462). |
£8.50 |
Douglas: Discovering Mottoes, Slogans &
War Cries
Shire Publications 1st 1973
8vo pb 64pp, v v sl wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 65 gms
(Order reference 12977).
£5.00 |
Thody, Philip:
Jean Genet - a critical appraisal
Hamish Hamilton 1st 1968
8vo, rbbing, wr + sl crsing to d/w, cancelled name to fep o/w VG++/VG 470
(Order reference 8998). |
£10.00 |
Peter: The Dialects of England
Basil Blackwell 1st 1990
large 8vo, minor crse to fr of d/w o/w F/VG++ 385 gms
(Order reference 7754).
Do you know any nice lasses, maidens, wenches or mawthers or are
they all just plain girls to you?
Do your shoes include pumps, daps, plimsolls, gollies and sandshoes, or
do you settle for ordinary trainers instead? If
you think Geordies would do better to speak like BBC announcers, if you
think the Queen's English is the only English there is, then this book
is not for you.
Th« Dialects of England celebrates the rich variety of the regional
and social dialects of English in all its forms, ancient and modem. It
covers Zummerzet and Scouse, Cockney and Cumberland, Brummie and Berkshire,
Nottingham and Norfolk. It deplores the trend towards linguistic uniformity
urged on us by the self-appointed guardians of the purity of the English
dialects are the result of 1500 years of linguistic and cultural development.
Written in nontechnical language, this book outlines their history and
their geography. It describes and delights in the diversity of vocabulary,
accent, grammar and literature to be found among the dialects of England. |