not given:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooClick
on book image for larger version |
of Lewis's Medical and Scientific Circulating Library - including a classified
index of subjects with names of those authors who have treated upon them
H K Lewis new edn revised to end of 1907
8vo, maroon cloth cvred bds, gold titling to fr bd + spine, bmps + wr
to bds with small area of marking to fr bd o/w VG+ 895 gms
(Order reference 7662).
and Socketed Steel Tubes and Fittings Pocket Catalogue Section 1 1968
Stewarts & Lloyds 1968
16mo, no d/w, gold titling to fr bd + spine VG++ 155 gms
(Order reference 8137).
£5.00 |
Book of Vitamins & Minerals - everything you need to know about the
vital role of vitamins and minerals. Putting together the right diet diet
for a healthy active life.
Publications International 1988
8vo, plastic coated bds F/VG++ 680 gms
(Order reference 7785).
£5.00 |
Search of Colour
ICI no date (1949?)
4to, decorative paper cvred bds with cloth spine, min bmp to bds, trs,
crsing + wr to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 415 gms
(Order reference 9230).
£5.00 |
Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy Vol 1 Magnetism and Electricity
HMSO 1939
large 4to, green cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine and blind stamped
titling to fr bd, sl wr, chps + small tr to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 1155 gms
(Order reference 13179).
£10.00 |
for Busbars
Copper Development Assn 6th imp revised and enlarged 1954
4to, cloth cvred bds, v min bmps + wr o/w VG+ 530 gms
(Order reference 7684).
£12.00 |
Search of Colour
ICI 1949
4to, glazed pict bds with cloth sp, v v min wr to bds, wr + chps to d/w
+ sm trs + v sm amt of loss to hd + tail of sp o/w VG++/VG 395 gms
(Order reference 4372).
£5.00 |
Precision Grinding 5th Edition - factors governing production with practical
hints on care and operation of machines
Churchill Machine Tool Co. nd (1940?)
8vo, no d/w, gold titling to fr bd + sp VG++ 215 gms
(Order reference 6049).
£30.00 |
Bryan: Understanding the Present - science
and the soul of modern man
BCA 1992 8vo
M/F 490 gms
(Order reference 8058).
Argyle, Michael
& Trower, Peter: Person to Person - ways
of communicating
Harper Row 1st 1979
sm 4to pb 128pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 310 gms
(Order reference 5370).
£6.00 |
John & Browne, Kevin (eds): Human Aggression
- Naturalistic Approaches
Routledge 1st 1989
8vo pb 284pp VG++ 350 gms
(Order reference 9387). |
£8.00 |
Arthur: Switchgear Practice
Chapman & Hall 1942
8vo, no d/w, bmps + wr to bds, sp sl sunned, small name to fep o/w VG+
475 gms
(Order reference 9562).
£12.00 |
Kate: Researching into Assessment and Evaluation
in Colleges and Universities
Kogan Page 1st 1996
8vo pb 156pp, v v min bmps + wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 240 gms
(Order reference 14429).
£12.50 |
Isaac: How Did We Find Out About Germs?
White Lion 1st UK 1976
8vo, v v sl wr + v sl sunning to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 160 gms
(Order reference 10764).
£15.00 |
Peter: The Transit of Venus - the brilliant
life of Jermiah Horrocks father of British Astronomy
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 2004
8vo F/F 540 gms
(Order reference 10378).
£10.00 |
Leslie & Coulby, David: The Education
Reform Act - Competition and Control
Cassell rep 1991
8vo pb 140pp, v min wr to cvrs o/w VG+ 170 gms
(Order reference 5347).
£8.00 |
Beckett, Sir
Edmund: Origins of the Laws of Nature
SPCK 2nd enlarged edn 1880
small 8vo, brown cloth cvred bds with gold titling to fr bd + sp. Min wr
to cnrs + edges, pencil gift inscr to fr pastedown dated 1882 o/w VG+ 200
(Order reference 8863). |
£25.00 |
Adrian: Galileo and the Dolphins - amazing
but true stories from science
B T Batsford 1st 1996
8vo, v sl wr to bd edges, sl wr to d/w edges, name to fep o/w VG++/VG++
680 gms
(Order reference 7856).
£7.00 |
Blake, Robert
W: Efficiency and Economy in Animal Physiology
Cambridge University Press 1st 1991
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, ex college lib VG++ 460 gms
(Order reference 8928).
£35.00 |
Josef: Zincography - a practical guide to
the art as practised in connexion with letterpress printing
Wyman & Sons 3rd revised and enlarged edn no date (late 19th century)
8vo, impressed decorative bds with gold titling to fr bd and sp, slight
wr to edges, bds sl grubby. Eps sl grubby, sm inscription to fep, feint
pencilled numbers and notes to rear ep and rear pastedown o/w VG+ 150 gms
(Order reference 6404).
Borner, Rudolf:
Minerals, Rocks and Gemstones
Oliver & Boyd rep with additional plates and references 1966
8vo, ex lib, bmps to bds + min wr + crsing to d/w o/w VG+/VG+ 655 gms
(Order reference 5105). |
£8.00 |
Alan: Homosexuality in Renaissance England
Gay Men's Press 1st 1982
8vo pb 149pp, v v min wr to edges of cvrs o/w VG++ 215 gms
(Order reference 14245).
£9.00 |
H H: The Electrical Handling of Materials
Volume 3 - Electric Cranes
Benn Brothers 1922
4to, green bds with gold titling to fr bd + spine, ex lib, min wr to cnrs,
sl damage to head of spine, spine sunnned o/w VG+ 1865 gms
(Order reference 13646).
£100.00 |
John & Donnachie, Ian: Industrial Archaeology
in the British Isles
Paul Elek 1st 1979
8vo, min bmp to bds o/w VG++/VG++ 860 gms
(Order reference 2745). |
£15.00 |
F I; Pirie, A & Ramsell, T G: Diabetes
and the Eye
Blackwell Scientific Publications 1st 1969
8vo, v v min bmps to bds, v min wr to d/w edges o/w VG+/VG+ 685 gms
(Order reference 8064).
£8.50 |
E & Fowles, G W A: Valency and Molecular
Butterworths 2nd edn 2nd imp 1962
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, 1/4 bound with cloth spine, v min bmps o/w
VG++ 600 gms
(Order reference 7680).
£8.00 |
W E Le Gros: The Fossil Evidence for Human
Evolution - an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology
University of Chicago Press 2nd imp 1957
8vo, no d/w, ex college lib, min bmps + wr to bds, sl grubby o/w VG 410
(Order reference 9549).
£4.00 |
Clarke, Arthur
C: The Snows of Olympus - a garden on Mars
- the illustrated story of man's colonization of Mars
W W Norton 1st 1994
square format 4to, small tr to d/w o/w F/VG++ 795 gms
(Order reference 8897).
£10.00 |
John H: The Prescriber - simple prescriptions
for practically every ailment plus a treatise on how to practice homeopathy
Health Science Press rep 1983
small 8vo F/VG++ 380 gms
(Order reference 9928).
£5.00 |
Clayton, William:
Monographs on Industrial Chemistry - Margarine
Longmans Green 1920
8vo, cloth cvred bds, ex laboratory library, wr to edges, clth slightly
dulled, sp v sl shaken o/w VG+ 565 gms
(Order reference 7889).
£20.00 |
J L: Insects and History
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1976
large 8vo, v v min wr to d/w edges, sl sunning to sp o/w F/VG++ 635 gms
(Order reference 7526).
This is a fascinating account of the ways in which
the insect world has affected the course of human history since pre-historic
times. Never before has all this information been gathered within a single
volume, and the aspects of history with which the book is concerned have
consistently been overlooked.
Professor Cloudsley- Thompson, an eminent zoologist and distinguished author,
has gathered a wealth of evidence from disparate sources, both ancient and
modern, revealing the extraordinary extent to which insects, in their role
of transmitters of epidemic disease, have altered the destiny of mankind.
Insects have destroyed armies and confounded generals. They contributed
largely to the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, with all its consequences,
and have influenced religions everywhere. In England, they were, more than
any other single factor, responsible for the growth of the medical services.
Nor has their importance as sources of food, drink and other valuable products
been insignificant. Insects made an empire of China, opened up central Asia,
and brought the East into contact with the West.
All this, and much more, is presented in this lucid and dramatic re-interpretation
of the highlights of human history.
With 28 line drawings and 7 maps in the text.
Jacket illustration: Moses sends the plague of locusts, from the Nuremberg
Bible (1483); courtesy of the British and Foreign Bible Society, photo Freeman.
£35.00 |
Cohen, Sidney:
Drugs of Hallucination
Scientific Book Club 1965
8vo, d/w covered in polythene sellotaped to pds, inscr to fep, top r h cnr
of fep clipped o/w VG+/VG 435 gms
(Order reference 4464).
£22.00 |
Bryony & John: Ancient Peoples and Places
Vol 106 - People of the Wetlands - bogs, bodies and lake-dwellers
Guild 1989
4to, v v min dulling to bd edges, v v min dulling to inside edges of d/w,
book slightly cocked L-R o/w VG+/VG+ 730 gms
(Order reference 14357).
£5.00 |
Cowan, James:
A Mapmaker's Dream - the meditations of Fra
Mauro, cartographer to the court of Venice
Hodder & Stoughton 1st 1997
8vo F+/F 290 gms
(Order reference 7674).
£10.00 |
L R: Allergy to Bee Stings and its Prevention
Elmwood Medical Monographs 1st 1988
8vo, no d/w F+ 245 gms
(Order reference 9577). |
£15.00 |
G A: Earthquakes
Scientific Book Club 19
top rh cnr of fep mssg, chps + wr to d/w o/w VG/VG 378 gms
(Order reference 959).
£4.50 |
Elfgren, L
& Shah, S P: Analysis of Concrete Structures
by Fracture Mechanics - proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop
Chapman & Hall 1st 1991
8vo, glazed boards VG++ 550 gms
(Order reference 11468).
This book presents new research findings on the fast developing
applications of fracture mechanics to concrete structures. Papers from leading
international experts describe existing and new modelling techniques in
the analysis of concrete materials and structures. The book explains the
practical application of fracture mechanics to structural modelling, bending,
shear, bond and anchorage. The proceedings of this RILEM Workshop will be
an important reference for those engaged in design, development and research
on concrete structures. It is dedicated to Professor Arne Hillerborg, one
of the pioneers in the introduction of Fracture mechanics to concrete. A
review of Professor Hillerborg's contribution to the subject is included.
The book forms the Proceedings of the RILEM Workshop held in Abisko, Sweden,
in 1989.
£95.00 |
S R: Vegetation and Soils - a world picture
Edward Arnold 2nd edn 1968
8vo, book + d/w cvred in clear film, v min tape stns to eps o/w VG++/VG++
785 gms
(Order reference 4334).
£12.00 |
Terrick V H: The Dictionary of Geneaology
- a guide to British ancestry research
Alphabooks 1st 1986
4to, small cancelled name to fep, v v min crsing to d/w edges o/w VG++/VG++
930 gms
(Order reference 12247). Science
£6.00 |
Flegg, P B;
Spencer, D M & Wood, D A (eds): The Biology
and Technology of the Cultivated Mushroom
John Wiley & Sons 1st 1985
8vo, glazed pictorial boards VG++ 720 gms
(Order reference 5660).
Methods of producing the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus,
have advanced dramatically overthe past decade, and for the most part improvements
in technology have been generated by fundamental advances in our understanding
of the basic biology of the crop. This book, in one well-structured and
comprehensive volume draws together this important research
work, and represents the cumulative knowledge and experience of one of the
world's leading mushroom research teams.
The multi-authored approach has encouraged the comprehensive treatment of
a topic within a chapter, but strong editing has equally emphasized the
many overlaps and links between topics. Aspects discussed include the history,
general biology, cultural systems, nutrition, biochemistry, genetics, growth,
fruiting, food value and chemical composition of the mushroom. Sections
of special value to growers will include compost preparation, spawn production,
crop productivity, post-harvest storage and the chapters on pests and bacterial,
fungal and viral pathogens. The whole book is very extensively referenced.
Readership: Growers, advisers, technologists and scientists in the mushroom
industry, microbiologists, mycologists, botanists, horticulturalists, plant
pathologists, agronomists, virologists, entomologists and biochemists.
£150.00 |
Fred Chas: De Figuris Veneris - manual of
classical erotology
Medical Press of New York 1st thus 1964
8vo, printed orange cloth cvred bds with tiny stain, wr, chps + trs to d/w
o/w VG+/G 480 gms
(Order reference 10661).
£18.00 |
Foster, Edwin
M, et al: Dairy Microbiology
Macmillan & Co. 1958
8vo, no d/w, sl bmps + wr to bds, esp to tail of spine o/w VG+ 945 gms
(Order reference 10896).
£8.00 |
Peter E: The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive
Drugs - Mushrooms - Psychedelic Fungi
Burke Publishing 1st 1988
4to, glazed pictorial boards F 410 gms
(Order reference 9207).
£10.00 |
Georges: Histoire des Telegraphes et Telephones
dans l'Aude
large 4to, glazed pictorial boards, tiny amt of wear to btm corners o/w
M 1060 gms
(Order reference 6598).
£40.00 |
Simon: Mauve
Faber & Faber 1st 2000
8vo pb 224pp VG++ The story of Wm Perkin and the discovery which made him
the richest chemist in Britain.190 gms
(Order reference 8086).
£5.00 |
Sydney: Teeth, Teeth, Teeth - A treatise on
teeth and related parts of man, land and water animals from the Earth's
beginning to the future of time
Arlington Books 1st 1972
8vo, min crsing to d/w + v v sl dulled, inscr to dedication page o/w VG++/VG++
910 gms
Order reference 4122).
£15.00 |
Rob & Gilbert, Pam: Masculinity Goes to
Routledge 1st 1998
8vo pb 293pp F 445 gms
(Order reference 14255). |
£145.00 |
Gilmour, S
carter (ed): Paper - its making, merchanting
and usage
National Association of Paper Merchants/Longmans Green 2nd imp 1967
8vo, no d/w, silver titling to spine, bds sl grubby o/w VG+ 615 gms
(Order reference 9547).
£12.00 |
Hugh: A Treatise on Astronomy - for the use
of colleges and schools
Macmillan 5th edn 1894
8vo, rebound, front and rear hnges reinforced with paper tape o/w VG+ 630
(Order reference 4500).
£8.00 |
Gordon, Richard:
Ailments Through the Ages - an alarming history
of famous & difficult patients
Michael O'Mara/Pastimes 1998
8vo pb 218pp VG++ 280 gms
(Order reference 5393).
£5.00 |
James C: Elementary Theory of Structures
Longmans, Green & Co. 1st 1950
8vo, previous owner's name + address to fr pd, wr + short trs to d/w o/w
VG++/VG+ 640 gms
(Order reference 12980).
£5.00 |
Greig, J Russell
& Boddie, george F: Veterinary Materia
Medica and Therapeutica
Bailliere, Tindall & Cox 6th edn large
8vo, green cloth cvred bds, no d/w, v v min bmps, inscr to fep verso o/w
VG++ 865 gms
(Order reference 5650).
£18.00 |
John Hull ( text + illustrations): Medical
Zoology for Travellers
Noble Books 3rd edn 1979
8vo, small tr to rear of d/w + slightly grubby o/w F/VG+ 345 gms
(Order reference 7673).
£8.50 |
John R: The Ways Out - Utopian Communal Groups
in an Age of Babylon
Routledge and Kegan Paul 1st 1978
8vo F/VG++ 465 gms
(Order reference 6915).
£12.00 |
Harding, Jennie:
Holistic Herbs - an introductory guide to the healing power of herbs
Marks & Spencer 2002
4to pb 96pp VG++ 455 gms
(Order reference 12526).
£5.00 |
Rev Samuel: Manual of Mechanics
Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts 5th edn 1860
8vo, green bds with faux 1/2 binding, wr to edges, small name to fep o/w
(Order reference 12965).
£15.00 |
L S: Cyril Burt - Psychologist
Hodder & Stoughton 1st 1979
8vo, v v min wr + sunning to d/w o/w F/VG++ 835 gms
(Order reference 9184).
£28.00 |
R A S: Worlds Without End - the historic search
for extraterrestrial life
Tempus Publishing 1st 1999
4to, v min bmps to bds o/w VG++/VG++ 560 gms
(Order reference 13196).
£12.00 |
Herbert, T
E: Telephony - an elementary exposition of
the telephone system of the British Post Office
Sir Isaac Pitman 1923
8vo, dark blue cloth cvred bds with gold titling to fr bd + sp. V slight
wear, small cancelled name to fep o/w VG+ 805 gms
(Order reference 7292).
£60.00 |
Joseph Lee: The Arthritis Handbook
Merck, Sharp & Dohme 1st 1974
4to F/VG++ 860 gms
(Order reference 4887).
£8.00 |
Hopkins, Budd:
Witnessed - the true story of the Brooklyn
Bridge abduction
Bloomsbury 1st UK 1997
min crsing to d/w edges o/w F/VG++ 802 gms
(Order reference 1416).
£7.00 |
Adrian L & Wilson, Kate: Couples, Conflict
and Change - Social work with marital relationships
Tavistock Publications 1st 1986
8vo pb 241pp, v min crsing + wr to cvrs o/w VG+ 270 gms
(Order reference 5355).
£5.00 |
Jenkins, Clive
& Sherman, Barrie: The Collapse of Work
Eyre Methuen 1st 1979
4to pb 182pp F 260 gms
(Order reference 6370). |
£8.00 |
C E M: Pieces of Mind
Faber & Faber 1st 1942
v vmin rbs to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 138 gms
(Order reference 1867).
£10.00 |
John, W D:
Modern Domestic and Industrial Polishes and
Specialities - the raw materials, manufacture and commercial production
R H Johns nd (late 1940s?)
large 8vo, no d/w, wr, marks and staining to bds o/w VG. With over 700 practical
and successfully developed modern formulae. 735 gms
(Order reference 5488).
£12.00 |
George: Strange Beauty - Murray Gell-Mann
and the revolution in the twentieth century physics
Jonathan Cape 1st 2000 8vo M/F 855 gms
(Order reference 13721). |
£12.50 |
Eric: Engineer Through the Looking Glass
BBC 1st 1980
4to VG++/VG++ 590 gms
(Order reference 13948).
£35.00 |
Levi, primo:
The Periodic Table
Abacus 1994
8vo pb 233pp, v minor wr to cvrs, tiny hole to fr cvr, inscr to fep o/w
VG+ 215 gms
(Order reference 6344).
£4.00 |
June R: The Village School
Robert Hale 1st 1989
8vo, v min crsing to d/w o/w F/VG++ 645 gms
(Order reference 7833).
£8.50 |
Lock, R H:
Rubber and Rubber Planting
Cambridge University Press 1913
8vo, maroon cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine, v v min bmps + wr
o/w VG+ 395 gms
Order reference 7663).
£18.00 |
Tony; Birch, Ann & Wadeley, Alison: Perspectives
in Psychology
Macmillan 1992
8vo pb 208pp, v min wr to edges of cvrs, one ex lib stamp o/w VG+ 290 gms
(Order reference 5354).
£6.00 |
Martin, John:
Chats on Invention - being an attempt to train
the faculties of invention
Offices of "Invention" 1894
8vo, blue bds, dulled gold titling to spine, min bmps to bds o/w VG+ 305
(Order reference 11460). |
£50.00 |
P B: The Hope of Progress
Wildwood House 1st thus 1974
8vo pb 141pp, v min bmps o/w VG++ 205 gms
(Order reference 5391).
£5.00 |
Micale, Mark
S & Lerner, Paul (eds): Traumatic Pasts
- history, psychiatry and trauma in the modern age 1870-1930
Cambridge University Press 1st 2001
8vo, black cloth cvred bds with gold titling to spine F+/F 590 gms
(Order reference 13952).
£40.00 |
Raymond W: Expendable Pattern Casting
American Foundrymen's Society Inc. 1992
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, very very minor wear to corners, "Lovink-Terborg
B.V." printed on front free endpaper o/w VG++ 410 gms
(Order reference 14739).
£450.00 |
Morgan, Diane:
Kant Trouble - the obscurities of the enlightened
Routledge 1st 2000
4to pb 238pp, min crsing + v v sl wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 445 gms
(Order reference 10838).
£15.00 |
Robert C: Between the Lines - a personal history
of the British public telephone and telecommunications service 1870 - 1990
Just Write 1994
8vo, gold titling to fr bd + sp, v short closed tear to d/w o/w F/VG++ 445
(Order reference 7867). |
£6.00 |
Jean: The geology of the area around Malham
Tarn, Yorkshire
Headley Brothers rep 1976
small 4to softback. Reprinted from 'Field Studies' Vol 2 No. 1 (1964) with
same pagination. Large foldout map. VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 11206).
£5.00 |
Jean: The geology of the area around Malham
Tarn, Yorkshire
Headley Brothers rep 1976
small 4to softback. Reprinted from 'Field Studies' Vol 2 No. 1 (1964) with
same pagination. Large foldout map. VG++ 75 gms
(Order reference 11205).
£5.00 |
T R: The Geological Evolution of the British
Pergamon Press rep 1978
4to, glazed pictorial boards, sunning to bds, name to fep o/w VG++ 455 gms
(Order reference 10357).
£6.00 |
James: Sons, Mothers and Other Lovers
Little, Brown & Co. 1995
8vo, v v min bmps to bds, v v sl spotting to inside d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 525
(Order reference 12988).
£9.00 |
Robert: Voodoo Science - the road from foolishness
to fraud
Oxford University Press 1st 2000
8vo M/F 510 gms
(Order reference 13720).
£10.00 |
Pearce, Evelyn:
Instruments, Appliances and Theatre Technique
Faber & Faber 1st 1941
16mo, cloth-cvred bds with red titling to fr bd + sp, creasing + staining
to bds, name to fr pastedown and 1942 bookplate, creasing to fep o/w G++
220 gms
(Order reference 8224).
£7.00 |
L G: The Story of Titles
David & Charles 1st 1969
8vo, sl wr to d/w edges, d/w spine sl sunned o/w VG++/VG++ 440 gms
(Order reference 12091).
£4.00 |
Price, E D
(ed): The Pearl Cyclopaedia or Handy Compendium
of Universal Information
John Walker & Co 1893
large 16mo, light blue cloth cvred bds with yellow & blue titling and
decoration to spine + fr bd. Clean and tight. 245 gms
(Order reference 8244).
£75.00 |
James: Mummy - discover the eternal secrets
of mummies
Dorling Kndersley 1st 1993
large 4to, glazed pict bds in similar d/w, inscr to fep verso o/w F/VG++
565 gms
(Order reference 4905). |
£8.00 |
Jenny: UFO Reality - a critical look at the
physical evidence
Robert Hale 1st 1983
8vo, v min wr + creasing to d/w o/w F/VG++ 495 gms
(Order reference 8988).
£8.00 |
Randles, Jenny:
UFO Study - A Handbook for Enthusiasts
Robert Hale 1st 1981
2 indents to top of rear bd o/w VG++/VG++ 516 gms
(Order reference 1842).
£8.00 |
H G Q: Guide to Dissection
John Murray rep 1967
min marking to bds, dmge to hd of spine + btm r h cnr of fr bd o/w VG+ 880
(Order reference 13375). |
£2.00 |
Rugoff, Milton:
Prudery & Passion - sexuality in Victorian America
Rupert Hart-Davis 1st 1972
8vo, spotting to inside d/w, slight tanning/spotting to foldover, sl tanning
to top edge of pages o/w VG++/VG++ 580 gms
(Order reference 12592).
£3.00 |
W G: The Social Animal
Harper Collins 1st 1998
8vo M/VG++ 415 gms
(Order reference 7186).
£9.00 |
Carl & Druyan, Ann: Comet
Guild/BCA 1985
crse to fr d/w foldover o/w F/VG++ 1380 gms
(Order reference 820).
£12.00 |
Percy: Oxford Medical Manuals - Surgical Emergencies
Henry Frowde/Hodder & Stoughton 1907
8vo, gold titling to fr bd + sp, v min brning to eps + pastedowns, name
and address to fr pastedown, o/w VG+ 330 gms
(Order reference 7890).
£6.00 |
Seal, D J:
The Mazda Book of Pal Receiver Servicing
Foulsham 1st 1971
8vo, v sl crsing + small tr to d/w plus sl spotting to inside of d/w o/w
VG++/VG+ 770 gms
(Order reference 8120).
£4.50 |
Brian & Sinfield, Adrian F'word by Peter Townsend: The
Workless State
Martin Robertson 1981
4to pb 267pp, min crsing to cvrs o/w VG+ 375 gms
(Order reference 6374).
£6.00 |
Smart, R Cecil:
The Technology of Industrial Fire and Explosion
Hazards Volume 1
Chapman & Hall 1st 1947
8vo, no d/w, ex Home Office Library, min bmps + v sl wr o/w VG++ 325 gms
(Order reference 7608). |
£65.00 |
J E et al: The Invertebrate Panorama
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1st 1971
large 8vo, no d/w, v sl wr to edges of bds o/w VG++ 1050 gms
(Order reference 10038).
£10.00 |
Konrad: The Man in the Ice
Weidenfeld & Nicolson rep April 1994
F/F 702 gms
(Order reference 1582).
£9.50 |
Ian: Why Beauty is Truth - a history of symmetry
Basic Books 1st 2007
8vo F+/F 575 gms
(Order reference 13164).
£8.50 |
John J: Handbook of Elementary Anatomy
H K Lewis 1947
large 8vo sewn booklet in card covers, ex lib, v min mrks to cvrs o/w VG+
145 gms
(Order reference 5176).
£6.00 |
John L & Tully, R I J: Scientific Books,
Libraries & Collectors (a study of bibliography and the book trade in
relation to science)
Library Association 2nd edn 1962
ex lib, frontis det, sellotape residue to bds, pastedown + d/w o/w VG-/G++
620 gms
(Order reference 829).
£5.00 |
Robert: The Art of Aromatherapy
W Daniel co. revised and updated rep 1996
large 8vo pb 321pp, v v min bmps + wr to cvrs o/w VG++ 405 gms
(Order reference 7727).
£5.00 |
Tortora, Gerard
J: Atlas of the Human Skeleton
Harper Collins 1st 1996
4to pb 24pp F 120 gms
(Order reference 10534).
£5.00 |
Geoffrey with William A S Sarjeant: The Tracks
of Triassic Vertebrates - Fossil Evidence from North-West England
National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside 1st 1997
large 4to, printed decorative bds, no d/w as published F+ 1100 gms
(Order reference 7689).
Fossil footprints deriving from large vertebrates dating from the
Triassic period were found in both Germany and England in the 1830s. Since
the prints bore a marked resemblance to the human hand, they were named
Chirotherium - the 'hand animal'.
A puzzling feature in both countries was that the desert sandstones in which
these pre-dinosaur footprints were found contained no skeletal remains of
the animals that had left them. Chirotherium's identity was to remain a
mystery for over a century.
This lavishly illustrated book traces the history of the discovery of the
tracks in north-west England, and narrates the finds of the nineteenth century,
drawing from hitherto unpublished contemporary accounts and illustrations.
It also describes the turnof-the-century work of ichnologist Henry Beasley,
who played a leading role in the study
and classification of the footprints, and whose extensive photographic archive
is both fully inventoried and generously illustrated here.
By weaving anecdotes of the eccentric experiments of the early gentleman
geologists into the narrative, the authors skilfully bring the period of
the Victorian scientist to life.
The Tracks of Triassic Vertebrates provides an illuminating commentary on
the study of tracks, trails and trace fossils and is indispensable reading
for those interested in the history of geology.
£40.00 |
P A: Limestone Roads
Chapman & Hall 2nd edn 1947
8vo, no d/w, v min sunning to clth cvred bds o/w VG++ 295 gms
(Order reference 10296).
£10.00 |
van Lawick-Goodall,
Jane: In the Shadow of Man
Collins 1st 1971
8vo F/VG++ 760 gms
(Order reference 8116).
£6.00 |
Pelt, Dr S J: Hypnotism
W & G Foyle 1st 1960
8vo, glazed pictorial boards, partial delamination to fr bd, btm r h cnr
of fep clipped o/w VG+ 130 gms
(Order reference 8140).
£6.00 |
Visser, Margaret:
The Way We Are
Penguin 1997
8vo pb 314pp, min crsing to cvrs o/w VG+ 255 hms
(Order reference 6359).
£4.00 |
A C: Heat Engines - a first text-book with
diagrams and illustrations
Longmans Green rep 1947
8vo, blue cloth cvred bds, sl sunning to spine o/w VG+ 425 gms
(Order reference 7666).
£5.00 |
Ward, R C:
Principles of Hydrology
McGraw-Hill 1967
8vo, v feint tape stns to eps o/w VG++/VG++ 760 gms
(Order reference 3444).
£20.00 |
Richard W & Dorothy C: Lying-In - a history
of childbirth in America
Free Press/Collier Macmillan 1st 1977
large 8vo, small price sticker stain to fep, d/w v slightly dulled o/w VG++/VG++
530 gms
(Order reference 14797).
£20.00 |
Bernard Drawings by Osbert Lancaster: It's
Fun Finding Out
Daily Express 1947
8vo, red clth cvred bds with black titling to fr bd + spine, min bmps to
bds, sl wr + abrasion to d/w o/w VG++/VG+ 285 gms
(Order reference 11499). |
£7.00 |
Robert: The Fireside Book of Death
Robert Hale 1st 1990
8vo, min crsing to edges of d/w o/w VG++/VG++ 645 gms
(Order reference 11415).
£35.00 |
Wittich, William:
Curiosities of Physical Geography
James Blackwell nd dec fr bd + sp with gold titling, wr to cnrs + hd + tail
of sp, name to fep o/w VG 500 gms
(Order reference 2253).
£8.00 |
John Chaloner: Lipreading - A Guide for Beginners
John Murray 1st 1986
8vo pb 63pp, v min wr + v sl creasing o/w VG+ 100 gms
(Order reference 6966).
£5.00 |